Opinions / Op-eds

Vote No on Proposition 1 & Oppose Wind Turbines

VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 1 to OPPOSE RANK CHOICE VOTING (RCV). Proposition 1 includes restoring an open Republican Primary where Democrats cross over and vote for the most liberal Republicans. The Republicans should choose their candidates and the Democrats should choose their candidates for the general election. RCV will allow crossover voting! The legislature passed […]

John Livingston

Inflation is Government’s Best Friend

Midway through the DNC Convention week we are back to ground zero in the National Presidential Election sweepstakes. The economy is in a state of limbo just now emerging from a faux Covid-induced overspending and a 22% overall inflationary spiral that has created a dichotomy between those who benefit—investors in some asset classes, and those […]

John Livingston

Don’t Try to Catch the Casted Stones

It seems that the Dems have little to run on this election cycle. Their Marxist Policies have failed. They call our candidates’ names—fascist, bigots, and “alley cats”. Because their policies have placed everyday Americans in places economically that some could never have imagined four years ago, the policy wonks at the DNC have decided to […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Will America walk in the way of Wisdom or the way of Folly?

Proverbs 9 It’s interesting that the same government officials who caused our current inflation problem with huge spending policies are now telling us that they can fix the problem with price controls. I have never heard of anything so dumb in my life. My educational background is in economics and history so when I listen […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Twin Falls County Man Arrested for Sexual Exploitation of a Child

[BOISE] – Attorney General Raúl Labrador has announced investigators with his Idaho Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force arrested fifty-six-year-old (56) Daniel DeKruyf in Twin Falls County on Thursday, August 15th, 2024, for 20 counts of Sexual Exploitation of a child. Agencies that assisted the ICAC Task Force were Rupert Police Department, Twin Falls County […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The True Cost of Prop 1

Do you want Idaho to spend $40 million dollars on new electronic vote tabulation machines made by Dominion Voting Systems? According to the Secretary of State, Phil McGrane, if Proposition 1 passes this may be our new reality. This November you will be voting on Proposition 1 which is an initiative to eliminate our current […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Our Military’s Voting Rights

In Idaho, we love our veterans. The men and women who wear our country’s uniforms, who sacrifice their time, energy, and even their lives to defend our way of life deserve all the gratitude we can give them and more. Republicans have always done their best to honor and support those who have served. We […]

John Livingston

Labor Unions Have a History of Racism

In light of the fact that unions are playing a disproportionate role in this year’s Presidential election, and especially because I have opined recently about the impact that Biden- Harris economic policy has had on American workers with green new deal energy jobs going overseas and replacing traditional manufacturing jobs in our country; I today […]

John Livingston

Who is Gouging Whom?

Finally, Kamala has shown her true colors. She is a socialist Marxist and believes that the people actually exist to serve the government and not the other way around. Calling out major food processing and grocery companies for “gouging” consumers is typical of people who don’t understand basic economics. Yes, consumer and producer prices are […]

John Livingston

Run Toward Danger

The focus on almost everyone across the nation including Idaho is on the November Presidential and down ballot elections that are less than 80 days away. Concerns about election fraud and malfeasance in the collection and counting of ballots are in my opinion real and are of great concern. There is no question in my […]

John Livingston

Confront Evil — Always!

I am having an incredible week with my grandson Brayden. Brayden is 8 years old, and he lives in Belview Washington. We spent 5 days camping in Donnelly and now we are back just as the smoke has lifted in Boise. Like most boys his age he is very interested in all things military. Knowing […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Truth or Consequences

I would like to take this opportunity today to talk about Choices as we are now 86 days from the presidential election. I believe it is becoming more obvious to those who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 that they made a huge mistake and have been suffering the consequences for the past 3 ½ […]

Gem State Patriot News