Opinions / Op-eds

AG’s New Culture and Realigned Focus Score Big Wins for Idaho

The primary job of the Idaho Attorney General is to serve as the chief legal officer of the state and to represent the state’s legal interests. Some of the other key responsibilities of the office include defending state laws in court, prosecuting criminals, protecting consumers, and providing legal advice and guidance to state officials. Additionally, […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Kari Lake Joins the Idaho GOP for an Exciting Event, Fueling Grassroots Enthusiasm

Idahoans are buzzing with excitement as renowned journalist and Republican political figure, Kari Lake, prepares to join the Idaho Republican Party at a highly anticipated event in Meridian on Friday, July 28. With a distinguished background in journalism and a passion for grassroots involvement, Lake’s appearance serves as a catalyst for energizing local grassroots Republicans. […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The BLM & Bunkerville

The Bunkerville incident occurred in 2014 where citizens gathered to support Cliven Bundy and his stand against the removal of his cattle by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). It ended up with BLM law enforcement agents pointing guns at those citizens and some of those citizens pointing guns back. Luckily, it was the county […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Successful Idaho GOP Summer Meeting in Challis Reflecting strong grassroots Republican support

The Idaho Republican Party held our Summer State Central Committee Meeting this past weekend in Challis and it proved to be an exceptional success. From the moment our members and guests arrived, they were greeted by the beautiful scenery of Challis, Idaho. Our host Custer County, and venue Living Waters Ranch, went above and beyond, […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Important Notice of Fruitland City Council Meeting Concerning Expansion of TVCA

Dear TVCA Families, Thank you so much for all the letters you submitted to the city. This effort has shown tremendous support to our city leaders. The purpose of this e-mail is to provide you with an update on our ongoing efforts. On June 28, we filed an appeal with the City of Fruitland with […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Watch What You Eat

Apeel is a corporation whose product applies “plant-based” protections on fruits and vegetables “to slow the rate of oxidation and moisture loss.” In doing so, this food maintains a longer shelf life and ultimately reduces “food waste“. Founded in 2012, and partially funded by Bill Gates and others. Apeel “has prevented 42 million pieces of […]

Opinions / Op-eds

What is Independence Day Really About?

The 4th of July, or Independence Day, is a day of celebration for Americans all across our nation, filled with parades, barbecues, family gatherings, and fireworks. But what is Independence Day really all about? Is it just another one of those holidays that give us an excuse to barbecue and party, or is it a […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Task Ahead: The Patriots Challenge

As we celebrate the 4th of July and thank God for His hand upon our country and the freedom that we enjoy we need to remind ourselves of the sacrifices made by those first patriots. Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured […]

Opinions / Op-eds

An Open Letter to Magic Valley Shepherds

Woke radicals are coming for our families, our children, our churches, our freedoms, and our country. And they’re backed by major corporations, big tech and big media, and every department and agency within our government. Whether the Church will be found complicit, complacent, or courageous against these attacks depends on its shepherds doing the following: […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Boise & The Great Reset

While this is about Boise, every Idahoan should be on the alert for it happening in their city. The Boise City Council recently approved a massive change in the city’s zoning codes that will “permit the inclusion of more housing units, diverse housing options, and an increase in mixed-use districts. This is called upzoning, and […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Enemies Within the Church

There is a new documentary out, Enemies Within The Church, which documents the decline of evangelical Christianity and the rise of liberalism within the church. Every Christian who is concerned about liberty needs to watch this film and share it with your friends. The film makes the point that the modern church has neglected any […]

Opinions / Op-eds

IDFG & Wildlife Disease

Tremendous dichotomies exist with land management. Money pours in for forest fire prevention while at the same time forests are allowed to become burdened with fuel loads that only act as incinerators. “We let forests burn” is an insane ideology. Fires destroy the habitat environmentalists crusade to protect. The introduction of wolves has resulted in […]

Gem State Patriot News