
Proposed Resolution against Syrian Refugees

A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT KOOTENAI COUNTY IS OPPOSED TO THE RELOCATION OF REFUGEES FROM THE UNITED STATES REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROGRAM IN KOOTENAI COUNTY WHEREAS, the Kootenai County Council is the duly elected governing body authorized to adopt appropriate ordinances, resolutions and police powers to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the […]

News Newsletter Index

Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 46

Welcome to the latest edition of our web-based Gem State Patriot newsletter. This interactive newsletter allows comments and discussion and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.


Why Paul Ryan as House Speaker?

We had an opportunity to meet with Congressman Labrador this past week and to hear his story on why the Freedom Caucus chose to elect Paul Ryan speaker of the House of Representatives. Many conservatives including ourselves were a bit upset with Ryan being seated but there is a bit more to the story as […]


Enough Already! Stop the Recall in West Ada School District

Why does KBOI News make such a big deal about the cost of the recall elections and says nothing about the 40% cost overrun on the new middle school south of highway 84? What could there possibly be in past records of this past Board that everyone is so afraid will be brought out into […]


Viki Purdy Announces Campaign for State Senate

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 10, 2015 CONTACT: Viki Purdy: 208-347-3345 / Ben Fulcher: 208-859-7407 / Viki Purdy Announces Campaign for State Senate Today, Viki Purdy of New Meadows announced her candidacy for the Idaho State Senate in Legislative District 9. “We as Idahoans are being stripped of the power to control our own […]


They Came and They Spoke!

Citizens Voice Disapproval of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Because Idaho State Representative Heather Scott is doing the fine job for which she was elected, her constituents were informed by her and spread the word, with a two day notice, with several people even driving over eight hours from South Idaho, and showing up on […]


Idaho’s Administrative Rules

Administrative Rules are rules (or Idaho Code) written by bureaucrats and government agencies (Executive Departments) throughout the year that will be presented, reviewed and approved by the Idaho Legislature at the beginning of every session. Once approved, these Administrative Rules will have the full force of law. Administrative Rules are a big part of how […]


Common Core and the Upcoming Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

2015 is the year that the Idaho Department and Board of Education are considering the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) that originated from Federal entities. The Idaho State Senate and House of Representatives will be considering these Standards in 2016, most likely under an Idaho “friendly” name. All Common Core subjects must cohere with […]


Free and Fair Market? Not if it is Health Insurance in Idaho

Imagine you live in a world where you can only buy food, gas, and other supplies for your family a few months out of the year. This is not due to bad weather, a workers strike, or a terrorist attack somewhere in the world. You might think this makes no sense. After all, these goods […]


High-Tax, Big-Government Republicans Next Door

When the 2015-17 Washington state budget was finally passed back in June of this year, I heard boasts emanating from the Republican Party about how they held the line against democrats and managed to pass a budget without raising taxes. My first reaction was incredulity. My next response was to question whether I had been […]


Greed Is Good? Wrong!

“Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.” Those are the ‘all too memorable words’ spoken by the character Gordon Gekko, portrayed by the actor Michael Douglas in the 1987 movie ‘Wall Street.‘ A much better word would simply have been ambition. Ambition is extremely good. Not so much with the word greed. Merriam Webster’s […]


Hillary Can Be Convicted

Nothing so sickens moral ethical people as do poker face liars, and chronic liars are to be avoided if at all possible. But people like Hillary Clinton take the art to heightened levels hardly comprehendible by trusting Americans. As I have said on several occasions, I believe that the violation of the public trust and […]

Gem State Patriot News