John Livingston News Opinions / Op-eds

Bad Advice from Bureaucrats Hurts our State

As we approach the “peak of the curve” in Idaho and as our Governor will be coming down with his decision about extending “stay in place” policies for the whole State of Idaho early next week I believe a few observations are in order. First of all, I believe the Governor’s instincts have served the […]

John Livingston News

‘The Road to Coronavirus Hell Was Paved By Evangelicals’

So writes Katherine Stewart in an editorial in today’s New York Times “The Road To Coronavirus Hell Was Paved By Evangelicals”. So writes Katherine Stewart in an editorial in today’s New York Times. At best, Ms. Stewart is only flaunting her ignorance of the Western World’s march to modernity. At the worst, she is a […]

John Livingston News

Is Government the Source of our Liberties?

Is Idaho’s Legislature Truly Conservative? What the heck happened during the last weeks of the Idaho legislature? Republicans hold 80% of the seats in both houses and most fancy themselves to be conservative. I am one who watches the daily debates on the floor of both the House and the Senate. I very much appreciate […]

John Livingston News

From Natural Law to Liberty to Capitalism

Over the past 20 years, much of the defense of liberty has centered on its empiric success, rather than on the morality of economic and political systems whose very foundations rest on concepts of liberty. The people who we traditionally have looked to when discussing issues of political philosophy and morality have withdrawn from the […]

John Livingston News

A Physicians Perspective on the Coronavirus Crisis

I don’t agree with the experts so much on this. My bottom line is that the Public Health Community deals with demographics and statistics and not individual patients. Classically there are three public health strategies to take care of a pandemic: 1. Let it run its course like Italy. Lots of deaths early on, the entire […]

John Livingston News

About “COVID-19”

Hysteria and panic are forms of fear and fear is an irrational emotion. As more test kits become available, more people will test positive with the implication that the disease is spreading faster than it actually is. The real question is not how many people have actually mounted an immune response, but how many people […]

John Livingston News

Our Moral Divide and the Natural Law

Our American people are more divided today by moral philosophy and politics than they have been at any other time including the civil war. Both sides of the political spectrum know what they believe, but cares little about what those who differ from them believe. Furthermore, few on either side understand why they believe what […]

John Livingston News

President’s Day

Rabbi Meir Soloveichik has suggested in several of his writings that when Abraham Lincoln referred to The American People as “the almost chosen People” in his second inaugural address in 1865, he gave us both an insight into the values that guided his political philosophy, but he also was giving us a warning. A warning […]

John Livingston News

Competing for Medicaid Access, What a Mess

Where has $45 million of our tax dollars gone? In the Wall Street Journal was a very interesting article identifying a problem that conservatives anticipated prior to the implementation of Medicaid expansion. The per capita increase in spending nationwide on the Medicaid expansion population patients is 16% higher over the past 3 years than on the […]

John Livingston News

A Different Way to Pray

I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I was very disappointed with Mitt Romney’s vote on the 1st Article of Impeachment the so-called abuse of power whatever that is. In 2012 I personally gave more money to Mitt’s campaign than I have to all the other campaigns I have contributed too combined. Same […]

John Livingston News

Education and Class Mobility — They’re not gained through Common Core

We have class privilege in our country and not gender or race privilege. Many of the special opportunities available for upward mobility across classes and generations are not based on wealth or income, or skin color or ethnicity or gender, but rather on the “human capital” of parents and grandparents, and communities, who invest their […]

John Livingston News

The Media is the Massage—or Message?

Required reading for many college students in the 1960s was a book called “The Media is The Massage”. It was written by Marshal McLuhan who purposefully substituted the word MASSAGE for MESSAGE. The term “Message” assumes two components. The first is content which is simply information. The second component is described as the character of […]

Gem State Patriot News