This would be really funny if it wasn’t so ridiculous and hypocritical. For eight long years, Democrats called anyone on the right who questioned Obama’s birth or background a terrible name, “Birther.” I’ve never been a “birther” in my life. Not for even one minute. During Obama’s eight years in office, I made over 10,000 media […]
Author: Wayne Root
Obamacare Lessons from Las Vegas
I have an important message for President Trump and the GOP Congress. Study the lesson of the Nevada GOP. When people think of Nevada, they think of Las Vegas aka “Sin City.” They think of neon, glitzy casinos, gambling, strip clubs, Elvis and Liberace. What they don’t think of is politics…or more specifically, Obamacare. Yet […]
The entire “Trump Russian scandal” narrative is complete utter nonsense. Democrats are so desperate to stop Trump, they’re clinging to a Saturday Night Live comedy skit—with the full cooperation of their liberal lackeys in the mainstream media. They’ve just made a YUGE mistake. And it’s all going to blow up in their face. There is a “Russian influence […]
Starbucks CEO is Hypocrite of Highest Order
Liberals lie. Liberals are hypocrites. It used to be shocking and embarrassing. Now their lies and hypocrisy are downright dangerous to all of us. Exhibit A is Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks. He is a longtime liberal Democrat contributor. Starbucks CEO will support Obama for another term He is a veteran Trump hater. Starbucks CEO […]
Up until now, Ronald Reagan was my favorite president in modern history. But remarkably, President Donald Trump has passed my hero Reagan in his first 6 days. President Trump makes President Reagan look like he was standing in quicksand. Trump makes Reagan look like a slacker. Trump makes Reagan look like a liberal (almost). I was honored […]
Complete & Total Vindication
Obama was up to his old tricks again on Tuesday with his farewell speech. Once again he lied about the economy and jobs. Or maybe I should phrase it differently: Once again, Obama chose to omit the facts. The good news is I feel vindicated. All conservatives should feel vindicated. As in… Complete and total vindication. […]
Remember when President Bill Clinton was called “America’s first black President”? Obviously, it wasn’t because he was black. But Clinton had an affinity for black people and his actions were beneficial to black people (or so they thought). Hence the branding as “America’s first black President.” The tag stuck. Well don’t look now, but I […]
Happy White Males
Former President Bill Clinton said in an interview days ago, “Donald Trump doesn’t know much. But one thing he does know is how to get angry, white men to vote for him.” Thank you former President Bill Clinton for the endorsement of my book, “Angry White Male.” After his wife Hillary’s devastating loss, I guess […]
Did you hear Hillary took a day off from the campaign trail on Tuesday? A day off? In the middle of the homestretch for President of the United States? Hillary took a day off with only 50 days to go, to forever “fundamentally change America.” Really? I may not be a M.D., and I may […]
Hillary just let the cat out of a bag. She thinks supporters of Donald Trump belong in a “basket of deplorables.” Hillary was talking about me and my friends. I’m Exhibit A for her rant. I’m the author of the new book “ANGRY WHITE MALE.” It’s my testimony about exactly what millions of angry white […]
Mr. President, You Disgust Me
I’ve known for eight long years what a poor excuse for a man we have as a President. I’ve known for eight long years what a deep dark hole he is leading this country down. I’ve known for eight long years that he is either mentally unstable, incredibly ignorant, or an extreme Muslim sympathizer like […]
USA Today asked Donald Trump for OpEd presenting his case for USA TODAY. Donald asked Wayne to be his surrogate and write it. What an honor. From Thursday’s USA Today: This Trump University lawsuit is a perfect example. The powerful, corrupt, elite establishment is out to destroy or at least change Donald Trump. Their attacks have […]