
Escape from California

Productive, tax-paying citizens have been escaping from high tax states like California and New York for years. I should know. I’m a refugee from both high tax California and New York. Don’t look now, but President Trump just finished the job. Say “adios” to California. President Trump just made it almost impossible for high-income earners and […]


What is Trump’s Secret Sauce?

I’ve reported the numbers here in my newspaper column before. The stock market has soared upward the fastest in history under President Trump. Christmas bonuses are up dramatically. GDP is headed to the moon—almost tripling the GDP of Obama’s eight years. Jobs have soared since Trump became president—up 2.2 million since his election. Manufacturing jobs just […]


Today’s FBI: The Fake Bureau of Investigation

As a kid, my blue-collar, conservative dad taught me the greatest organization in the world was the FBI. I grew up believing FBI agents were gods. My favorite TV show was “The FBI” starring Efrem Zimbalist Jr. My favorite movie was “The Untouchables” starring Kevin Costner as FBI agent Elliot Ness. Today’s FBI is no longer my father’s FBI. I’m sad to […]


Fixing the GOP Tax Cut Plan

In my last column, I told you all the problems I’ve found in the GOP tax cut plan. It’s the first tax cut plan in my lifetime that I’m not excited about. The GOP is making a big mistake—unless big changes are made. But I remain hopeful those changes are on the way. President Trump […]


A Story of Shocking FBI Scandal

I am sad to bring you a story of what certainly appears to be shocking government abuse, corruption, scandal and violation of trust. I’m sad because it involves a federal government institution I’ve trusted my entire life—the FBI. It’s a national scandal that should leave every American shocked and shaken. Is the FBI now a telemarketing […]


The Real MGM Story — Direct from their Security Employees

Like President Trump, I’m from the rough and tumble streets of New York. Whether it’s in my RJ column or on my national radio show, I believe in shooting from the hip and speaking from the heart. Let the chips fall where they may, the truth is the truth—no matter if it offends someone. Obviously, […]


Did Someone Make a Fortune on Vegas Terror Attack?

I’ve argued since the first moments of the Vegas mass murder event that the killer had help…that someone funded, coordinated and planned the attack…and that it had all the hallmarks of an ISIS attack. That doesn’t mean it was. It just means it looks and smelled like one to me. Soon after ISIS took credit […]


Wayne Allyn Root: VEGAS STRONG

The story of the year is the worst mass shooting in U.S. history right here in Vegas. But the real story of the year should be the remarkable reaction to this terrible, heinous act of terror. We are “VEGAS STRONG.” At this moment, we don’t know why the mass murderer committed this atrocious crime. We […]


Donald Trump 35 — NFL 0

This is the story of the suicide of the NFL. Are you listening, Jim Murren and MGM? This is a case study for how to destroy a billion-dollar business by injecting your offensive leftist politics and alienating your own customer base. President Trump has done it again. No, I don’t mean he’s offended millions of […]


Liberal Twins ESPN and MGM Committing Suicide

ESPN offers a cautionary tale about the dangers of Las Vegas casino executives damaging or destroying their brands by offending their core customer base. But more importantly, this is a danger to the entire brand of Las Vegas. Vegas and ESPN have much in common. ESPN has committed suicide with its obsession with liberal, progressive, politically-correct beliefs. […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

A Plea From a Distraught Middle-Class Mother

I am an S.O.B. (son of a butcher). I see every issue through the eyes of my beloved butcher father David Root. That’s how I knew Donald Trump would win the election when few others did. It’s because I clearly see the attack on middle-class America. I see the dramatic decline of middle-class America. I understand […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Is Obama Behind this Coup versus President Trump?

Many of President Trump’s conversations with world leaders have been leaked. Just days ago, we saw an exact transcript of his conversation with the president of Mexico. This is something that has never happened in America’s history. Did you even know anyone listened in and recorded the private conversations of the President of the United […]

Gem State Patriot News