
Covid-19 Vaccine: Engineered & Synthesized

Vaccine technology has dramatically shifted from the manipulation of a virus to foster immunity, to now what is called gene therapy. Much concern has been expressed about this new technology, does it change one’s genetic code, what are the long term effects given no long term studies have been done, and since a vaccinated individual […]


You Will Get Vaccinated

On November 15, 2021 the Idaho House of Representatives will reconvene to discuss the federal government Covid-19 vaccine mandate which is now temporarily blocked by a federal appeals court. However, this mandate has now been extended to include health care workers who provide care to Medicaid and Medicare recipients that will add to the devastating […]


The Great Reset Is Local – Part 2

In the prior article, The Great Reset Is Local, money given to counties from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is meant to implement the World Economic Forum (WEF) Great Reset Initiative, a devastating plan to destroy lives around the world. But it isn’t just counties, that money is also intended for cities as noted […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

The Great Reset Is Local

The World Economic Forum Great Reset Initiative is a global tyrannical plan being forced upon the world to enact its 4th Industrial Revolution (4thIR), primarily change the way the economy works, and change how we all live. As usual, this obscenity is being paid for by taxpayers that will only add to the ongoing debt […]


The Enemy’s New Strategy

Similar to Germans infiltrating American lines during WWII, private property owners are being targeted with renewed tactics to manipulate and bribe them into accepting and practicing conservation goals outlined in the current administration’s non-authorized 30×30 plan.  In fact, behind the scenes groups have been working on this for some time.  As a Republic, we have a […]


Renewed Threats to Idaho

With the current administration promoting its America the Beautiful plan there will be a renewed effort by non-governmental organizations (NGO) to pursue as much land as possible for conservation in meeting the 30×30 objectives laid out in the plan.  That goal is conserving 30% of land and oceans in the United States by 2030.  NGOs are clamoring over each other to […]


Is There No End To The Madness?

In all of its delusions the World Economic Forum (WEF) has decided it will dictate your future job in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) “will lead to long term job growth“. Work, Work, Work, Produce, Produce, Produce, Control, Control, Control. That is all the WEF thinks about. People are meaningless in its objectives. Think this is […]



The Idaho Association of Commerce & Industry (IACI) is an “…influential force in Idaho politics representing every facet of business and industry in the state.” Indeed, through its Idaho Prosperity Fund (IPF), money is poured into “…candidates for Statewide, Legislative, and Local office”, who they determine believe in a free market society, rights of the […]


DDCC:VS Is Underway

The World Economic Forum (WEF) agenda to force every human to have a digital pass in order to travel, under the initial ruse of documenting Covid-19 vaccine status, is actively in the works.  The World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are working together “…to produce a high-value standard for international adoption […]


World’s First Global Human Registry

One has to love the World Economic Forum (WEF). Like criminals on the street the WEF has managed like a magnet to bring together all those humans who have issues with weak egos that drive them towards controlling others, a need to dominate, and no inner moral compass that helps them recognize the difference between […]


Corporations Begin The Takeover

It is the World Economic Forum (WEF) goal to fully implement the United Nations (UN) 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as outlined in Agenda 2030. Through its global corporate partnerships, the WEF is on the fast track for implementation, mobilizing corporations to initiate the Great Reset. Established in 1995, just shortly after the signing of […]


A Hijacked Education System

For many Americans it is clear that our education system has been hijacked, from the teaching of social justice ideology, educating children on subjects in a way that not only causes frustration but distorts the truth, inserting an overlay of social and emotional learning that is superior to learning information that every child needs to […]

Gem State Patriot News