
The War on Private Property – The Connectivity Agenda (Part 5 of 6)

Part 5 of a 6 Part Series This is the fifth of a six-part series. The reader is highly encouraged to go to these websites and study what is discussed in these articles in order to make an informed decision. My father never thought much of the government, but he was a good citizen. He fought […]


The War on Private Property – Corridors to Connectivity (Part 4 of 6)

Part 4 of a 6 Part Series This is the fourth of a six-part series. The reader is strongly urged to visit these websites and study what is discussed in these articles in order to make an informed decision. Part one covered data collection in the Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS) which was used to […]


Corridors and Connectivity (Part 3 of 6)

Part 3 of a 6 Part Series This is the third of a six-part series. The reader is strongly urged to visit these websites and study what is discussed in these articles in order to make an informed decision. Part one covered data collection in the Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS) which was used to […]


Biodiversity and Ecosystems (Part 2 of 6)

Part 2 of a 6 Part Series This is the second of a six-part series. The reader is highly encouraged to go to these websites and study what is discussed in these articles in order to make an informed decision. After gathering wood in the forest for a warm fire, my father insisted that we not […]


Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS) to SWAP (Part 1 of 6)

Part 1 of a 6 Part Series This is the first of a six-part series. The reader is highly encouraged to go to these websites and study what is discussed in these articles in order to make an informed decision. As a child in Island Park, frequent visits by a squirrel to the cabin resulted […]


So Long, Island Park; Hello, Yellowstone Highlands

Although this article is regarding Island Park, every Idahoan throughout the state will be affected by the same agenda. It must be time to transform Island Park into something else using “action plans”. The question is, what needs to be transformed? What in Island Park needs fixing? The Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) […]


Kiss Idaho Goodbye – The rest of the story

The federal government created a beast, landscape conservation cooperatives (LLC) for wildlife protection, sprouting in 2011 following the “America Great Outdoors” initiative in 2010.No congressional approval came with this, the Department of Interior (DOI) just created it and assigned the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ( No congressional approval came with this, the Department of […]


Kiss Idaho Goodbye

Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative There are a multitude of Idaho non-profits and United Nations (UN) non-governmental organizations (NGO) that are aggressively pursuing connectivity projects. Essentially the goal is to connect large swaths of land in Idaho’s east corner which neighbors Montana and Wyoming. They would love to see this land all locked up into […]


The Columbia River Treaty could be the death of Idaho

With the new United Nations (UN) and federal government grand plan to steal what remains of our land through the ruse of ecosystem management, there is one grand daddy that will take all of Idaho in one fell swoop. In 1944 the United States and Canada began talks to jointly manage the Columbia River which […]


Is the Idaho Conservation League an Ambassador for the United Nations?

Multiple non-governmental organizations (NGO), also known as non-profits, promote United Nations (UN) goals and objectives and they have been very successful at it. Our whole society is infested with their ideology. But don’t be fooled here in Idaho when a local innocent appearing non-profit presents itself as though it is advocating for Idaho when it is […]


Laws of Nature – Thomas Jefferson

Perhaps one of the most overlooked or least understood statements in the Declaration of Independence is “…the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them…” What exactly are the Laws of Nature and where do they originate? In what way did Thomas Jefferson interpret the Laws of […]


Native Tribes – Pawns of Agenda 21 – Part 3

Agenda 21, Chapter 26 is titled “Recognizing And Strengthening The Role Of Indigenous People And Their Communities”. That was in 1992. It is stunning how these goals have been implemented and advanced since that time. The United Nations (UN) has defined indigenous people as self-identified, pre-colonial and pre-settler, with a strong link to resources, distinct […]

Gem State Patriot News