Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Make Idaho Great and Conservative Again

For the past twelve years, we have had a very popular Governor named Butch Otter who proclaimed Idaho as the reddest of the red states, the conservative bastion of America. Well, folks, we hate to tell you but that has all changed over the years of his reign as our great state has been taken […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Storytelling is Wrong

In politics, storytelling is a way of life. One side spins the facts and omits the negatives, hoping to persuade the voter to do their bidding. This is the case for Medicaid expansion here in Idaho. Most states that implemented the expansion provided a pathway for funding. They realized that the expansion will cost millions […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Let’s Talk Turkey on Taxes

First, I would like to chime in on some of your comments about the legislature and how they do a lot of talking but when it comes to cutting their bloated budgets and reducing taxes, they are nothing but a flock of lame ducks. Let’s be honest; most of them have yet to prove themselves […]


Is Reclaim Idaho guilty of a $500,000 Sunshine Law Violation?

My recent article exposing the deep collusion between Reclaim Idaho and The Fairness Project, the brainchild of a shady California labor union president, received the predictable responses. One response was the liberal media and Reclaim representatives Luke Mayville and Rebecca Schroeder quickly attempting to deflect, claiming I had no right to speak the truth because of […]


The Media is the Propaganda Arm of the Progressive Movement

Trump has called the media the “enemy of the people,” but he is only half correct. The media is most certainly the enemy of those people who support freedom and liberty, but it remains a close ally of those who advocate socialism and the tyranny of big government. In recent weeks, there has been much […]


Reclaim Idaho Knows All About Corruption…and Hypocrisy

The sheer hypocrisy of Luke Mayville’s recent op-ed accusing Republicans of corruption (very subtly titled, “Corruption, Corruption, Corruption”) is truly amazing. You see, Mayville – a New York City Ivy League professor who leads the group “Reclaim Idaho,” which was behind the Medicaid expansion initiative on the November 2018 ballot – has relied on hundreds […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

The Initiative Process Furthers the Progressive Goal of Direct Democracy

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” It may not have been Winston Churchill who said it, but that does not make it any less accurate. We have received myriad warnings against democracy from John Adams’ observation that “There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide” […]


Medicaid Expansion and the Looming Disaster of Socialism

It’s quite unfortunate indeed that the political left’s long con of turning a constitutional republic based on individual rights into a socialist democracy is actually working. I, for one, don’t give a damn what “the people” want when it comes to their desire to plunder my property to fund their consumption. Such ne’er-do-wells deserve to […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

The Challenge of Dealing with Referendums like Medicaid Expansion

Last November, Idaho voters approved the proposition to expand Medicaid, but the process of getting the program funded and done right, if at all, is not so clear. The proposition passed by voters didn’t speak to how it was to be funded, nor did it address other details such as work requirements and limitations. This […]

John Livingston News

Medicaid: Gaming the System

We hear from all quarters that health care is a complex issue and solutions are difficult to implement. One political faction argues for a “single payer” command control Health Care system. Conservatives like to point out that we haven’t had an unfettered health care market place since 1965 and the problems we have today with […]


Are Republican Legislators for Limited Government?

Is Idaho on a path to rapid progressivism? Initial reactions to that question might be a resounding “no” or maybe even “hell no.” But indulge me for a moment on the reality of our current status as a “conservative” state. Idahoans would largely agree that we are one of the most conservative states in the […]

John Livingston News

Health Care: Cost vs Price

We are so lucky to live in a State where we have an incredible group of health care providers. Doctors, nurses, and technicians, Family Nurse Practitioners, and Physician Assistants are as knowledgeable and skilled as any place in the world and I have practiced all over the world. That being said there were two recent […]

Gem State Patriot News