Opinions / Op-eds

Caucus FAQs

As the Republican Presidential Preference Caucus approaches (Saturday March 2nd,) both interest and questions are increasing. Here are some of the questions and their answers, FYI. Why are we having a caucus? The Secretary of State wanted to consolidate the March Presidential Primary with the May General Primary, however, the legislation drafted to do that […]

Opinions / Op-eds

You’re funding Idaho’s bloated DEI bureaucracy

Republished article with permission of the Idaho Freedom Foundation A recent Idaho Freedom Foundation report revealed that Idaho’s public university system is spending nearly $6 million on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) administrators. A previous estimate in February 2022, found that spending on DEI administrators across Idaho’s higher education system was around $2.2 million. In two […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The New Republican Party

Kootenai County is the home of the most successful, respected and emulated Republican Central Committee in Idaho, the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee or KCRCC. The mission of the KCRCC is to enhance freedom and prosperity by promoting fiscally and socially conservative candidates who will implement the Idaho Republican Party Platform as policy. Republican voters […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Caucus or Primary

Over the last few weeks several individuals have crawled out of the shadows to “explain” the upcoming Idaho Presidential Caucus. Unfortunately, these “explanations” are not based on any firsthand information and are full of misinformation, false claims and outright lies. Why would they falsely paint a doom and gloom picture? Who knows, but they aren’t […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Republican Party & Crazy Critics

Republicans from all over the state gathered earlier this month in Boise for the IDGOP Winter meeting. Every six months the 218 members of the Idaho Republican State Central Committee gather to take care of party business. This Winter Meeting was a total success. Not only was all business accomplished, but it was done in […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Attorney General Labrador Announces New Solicitor General for Idaho

(BOISE) – The Idaho Office of Attorney General announces the appointment of Alan Hurst as the Solicitor General effective January 22, 2023. The reinstatement of the Solicitor General position by Attorney General Raúl Labrador has led to an active defense of consequential challenges to Idaho law. The Office of Solicitor General serves as the State’s […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Presidential Caucus Fact Check

“I’m a lifetime Republican and I’m really worried I won’t be able to participate in the Presidential Caucus” said Jim, an 89-year-old combat veteran during a call with Idaho GOP Chairman Dorothy Moon. Jim called the state party headquarters after reading Sandy Patano’s “Opinion: Idaho GOP’s Presidential Caucus confusion,” an Op-ed full of misleading information, […]

Opinions / Op-eds

A Vision of Freedom for the Future of Idaho

During the COVID years, the State of Idaho accepted $22.9 billion of federal money, including billions of dollars of Federal American Rescue Plan money. The legislature outright admitted in the bill that “ARPA funds are borrowed from our grandchildren.” Idaho is now channeling these funds into substantial new government programs while offering very little tax […]

Opinions / Op-eds

In response to the Governor’s State of the State Address

Like many of you, I watched Governor Brad Little’s State of the State address this afternoon hoping to hear him promote smaller government and fiscal responsibility, values that conservative Republicans hold dear. I regret to say that I was left mostly disappointed. Governor Little began his speech with how Idaho has become one of the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Supreme Court Intervenes to Allow Idaho to Enforce Pro-Life Law

Dear Friends, I want to share some great news. Last Friday, I was informed the Supreme Court accepted our emergency application and stayed the erroneous ruling from the Ninth Circuit on Idaho’s criminal abortion law in Idaho v. United States of America. In addition, SCOTUS is also granting an uncommon writ of certiorari, taking the […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

More Proof Idaho is Turning Blue

Say it isn’t So – Idahoans it’s time you Open Your Eyes. The Institute for Legislative Analysis has just released a scathing report on Idaho. The headlines read “Just Released National Study: Democrats Control Idaho Senate – Republicans Narrowly Hold House. What is even more damming is the evaluation they did of our very own […]


Senator Brian Lenney Announces Bill to Disband DEI Bureaucracies in Idaho Public Higher Education

Nampa, ID – December 18, 2023 – State Senator Brian Lenney of the Idaho Freedom Caucus is spearheading a bill for the 2024 session to reshape Idaho’s public higher education. His legislation, banning the funding and creation of DEI offices, mirrors similar movements in Oklahoma, Florida, Texas, and Iowa, prioritizing merit and equal opportunity over […]

Gem State Patriot News