Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Rebuilding our Healthcare System: A Better Solution – Part I

Idaho’s problem with its healthcare system didn’t start with Obamacare; it started long before that. The insurance companies and medical groups — or as we call them, the medical mafia — have been sucking the life out of Idahoans for years, and no one has said much about it until the decision to institute a […]


Trumped-Care: If At First You Don’t Fail, Try, Try Again

— Published with Permission of — We previously discussed the fraud that has been “repeal and replace” ObamaCare. That fraud was rightly killed by the more conservative members of the House. Now Republican leadership has tweaked the fraud enough to convince enough of the holdouts to go “yea.” Now the House has passed a slightly modified […]


Petition to Support H.R. 899 Terminate the Department of Education

— Published with Permission of — “The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2018.” Those words are the entire content of a new bill, H.R. 899. This bill was introduced by courageous Congressman Thomas Massie (R – Kentucky). H.R. 899 is revolutionary. H.R. 899 will end the destruction of America’s education system. H.R. 899 […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Why Healthcare Sharing Companies Thrive with Obamacare’s Demise

Most Health Sharing Ministries have been around for a few decades and there are only six that we know of in the U.S. They must have existed and been in practice continually since December 31, 1999. The interesting attribute of these ministries is that they only seem to attract those people who are healthier than […]


AHCA Failure: One Too Many ‘Lying’ Ryans & Way Too Many ‘Establishment’ RINOs

If pictures are worth a thousand words, this one truly is. Our well-intentioned new President has a lot to discover about trustworthiness in Washington DC. He must learn that many poker face leaders, advisors, and appointees whom he wants to believe in as swearing to their allegiance and patriotism are actually either naive, deluded or […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Senate Moves to Restrict Idahoans’ Constitutional Choice of Medical Care

The Senate State Affairs committee today voted to restrict your choice in medical care by approving SB 1182 regarding amending section 16-1627, of Idaho code, to revise a provision regarding treatment by prayer through spiritual means. Here is a link to read the bill. The five senators who voted to bring this bill to the […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Get Government out of Healthcare and ‘Put the People Back in Charge’

The solution to fixing healthcare in America is not going to be solved by having insurance companies cross state lines because even if we did allow them to cross, what assurance is there that costs would come down and choices would increase? You would also have to standardize rules across the board so that rules […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Healthcare Starts with the Individual, not in the Legislature

Solving our healthcare problem is not going to happen in one fell swoop as the problem did not just start with Obamacare; it has been festering a long time and part of the problem is thinking that everyone is entitled to have healthcare. We just proved with Obamacare that this will eventually bankrupt the country. […]


Repeal, Don’t Replace ObamaCare

Right now there is a lot of discussion about Obamacare, or the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. No one seems to be asking if this is the proper role of government. (The bill was huge, and Congresswoman Pelosi said that we had to pass it so we could find out what was in it. Now […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Will the Demise of Obamacare Solve our Healthcare Problems?

The simple answer to the question is “NO”. What it will do is hopefully is to give a reprieve to most people on the cost of their annual premiums but even that is somewhat sketchy since we don’t know what they will replace it with. The more serious problem to solve is how we will […]


There is no Freedom of Choice for Healthcare in America

If you were to pass from the border from San Diego to Tijuana this last weekend, you would’ve been in for a bit of a shock. Why? Because the Mexican border patrol that typically stands at the border and waves Americans through and into Mexico, was completely gone. In their place was dozens of protestors […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

The Truth about CBD Oil – Alternative Medicine Works!

Why is it that Government says “NO” to perfectly good medicine? Because Big Pharma can’t patent it? Because Allopathic Doctors don’t understand it and must follow AMA codes of conduct? Because there is no money to be made on it? Because Insurance doesn’t cover it? Because it does no harm, but the FDA won’t approve […]

Gem State Patriot News