John Livingston

A Different Catechism

“WE FEED THEM” Nancy Pelosi told Wolf Blitzer on the situation room in October of 2020. On August 24th of this year, Joe Biden announced debt relief of up to $20,000 dollars for those holding Pell Grant Obligations, and $10,000 for non-Pell Grant debtors. On September 1st Governor Little signed the $500 Rebate […]

John Livingston

St. Al’s is not a Catholic Hospital

Any discussion about abortion should be proceeded with the following statements: “There is no sin greater than God’s Providential Mercy and forgiveness” We should all examine the “logs in our own eyes before being critical of the slivers in the eyes of others”. And finally, we are called to remember that “he who is without […]

John Livingston

Beware of the Holy State

I am not one to question the Ecclesiastical authority of Pope Francis. I am not an apologetic so taking Umbridge with the Biblical authority of The Church is certainly above my paygrade. I am a proud Catholic and regarding issues of history, economics, and common sense I feel obliged to voice an opinion about certain […]

John Livingston

Join the Fight

Over the past few months, I have had several conversations with Catholic Priests and Protestant Ministers, and several Religious Catholic Sisters about the lack of support amongst the clergy and the institutions of “The Church” for support of fundamental Christian Principles specifically about RIGHT TO LIFE issues like the rights of the Unborn Child, end […]

John Livingston

It IS All Connected

My best friend in life and adopted brother is Fr. Lance Krzywicki. Before becoming a Catholic Priest, Fr. Lance was a Wall Street Attorney and Financier. While in New York he became friends with Cardinal John Joseph O’Conner. On Holy Saturday of 1987 I became a member of the Catholic Church after undergoing ” The […]

John Livingston News

Christianity Under Attack

I am a Catholic Laymen. I have never been trained formally in Catholic Apologetics. I read the Bible and Catechism and discuss theological issues with my Catholic Priest stepbrother who lives currently in Sardinia. There is no question in our minds that Evangelical and Catholic Churches have been singled out by progressive activists. The response […]

John Livingston News

On the Pope and Capitalism

I have been asked to comment on Pope Francis’ latest encyclical letter, FRATELLI TUTTI, or Brothers All. Before starting, let me say that I am a lay Catholic. I have not reviewed my thoughts with a priest or a bishop of my church. I have not received formal training as a catechist or as an […]

John Livingston News

What is Virtue Signaling?

I never heard of the term “virtue signaling” until last Sunday when I listened to news reports about the confrontation between the Covington Kentucky Catholic High School students and the Native American Elder. Now I know what “virtue signaling” is all about. In retrospect, I have probably been guilty of “virtue signaling” myself, maybe even […]

Gem State Patriot News