
Wooten letter exposes abuse, religious bigotry in Dan Love’s BLM operation

— Published with Permission of — The misconduct caused considerable disruption in our workplace, was discriminatory, harassing and showed clear prejudice against the defendants, their supporters and Mormons. Often times this misconduct centered on being sexually inappropriate, profanity, appearance/body shaming and likely violated privacy and civil rights. Part 1 of 2 Federal Judge, Gloria Navarro’s dismissal […]


DOI reverses job-killing Obama-era mineral withdrawal in Minnesota

— Published with Permission of — These bureaucratic decisions could decimate local economies, stifle job creation as well as cause significant harm to K-12 education and mining in Minnesota. These were political, anti-mining and anti-education actions taken by the Obama Administration… On December 22, the Congressional Western Caucus (CWC) issued a press release summarizing the Government’s rejection […]


The wealth-destroying insanity of modern environmentalism

— Published with Permission of — The irony and illogic of the Guardians’ nuisance lawsuit defied belief. A group ostensibly dedicated to protecting nature was attacking and disabling a company equally dedicated to mitigating mankind’s impact on the Earth; to restoring millions of worn out acres of agricultural land to a much healthier, natural state; […]


The Bundy Saga Continues

Our thanks to Darr and Dorothy Moon for sending this to us. Dear Friends, I encourage all to make the trip to Las Vegas to meet the Bundy family and their supporters during this continuing trial (hopefully after last week not for much longer). Today it appears the prosecution’s case is unraveling with Judge Navarro’s decision to […]


Potential BLM head, Karen Budd-Falen, gets endorsement from fellow property rights attorney

— Published with Permission of — I am writing as a fellow attorney who, in the course of my career, has had a number of occasions from time to time over the last nearly two decades to encounter and appraise her tireless efforts to help facilitate the resolution of public land disputes throughout the West. […]


Judicial tyrants strike a blow against Cliven Bundy

— Published with Permission of — Larry Klayman decries judge’s action on jury selection in rancher’s trial In the years, months, and days before the signing of the Declaration of Independence in my native city of Philadelphia, on July 4, 1776, King George III, having issued one unjust if not illegal edict after another, having […]


BLM reverses Obama-era mineral leasing ban on 10 million acres in West

— Published with Permission of — “The proposal to withdraw 10 million acres to prevent (only) 10,000 from potential mineral development was a complete overreach.” — Acting BLM Director, Mike Nedd Mining, not unlike ‘fracking,’ is one of the big boogey men the anti-public lands management movement uses to further its false narrative that resource […]


Synopsis of Dan Love’s criminal activities laid out in OIG report

— Published with Permission of — The subordinate told us he felt morally wrong about deleting the emails, but he did not discuss his feelings with the senior manager. He stated that he was “not going to tell a senior law enforcement [manager] no” because he felt that doing so might jeopardize his employment. He […]


Western leaders applaud Interior’s rollback of Obama-era methane rule

— Published with Permission of — “[T]he BLM believes that the 2015 final rule unnecessarily burdens industry with compliance costs and information requirements that are duplicative of regulatory programs of many states and some tribes,” agency officials wrote. “As a result, we are proposing to rescind, in its entirety, the 2015 final rule.” Western officials […]


Utah RS-2477 roads court victory could impact other cases throughout the West

— Published with Permission of — In recent years, aggressive green groups and federal agencies, including the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS), have sparked conflicts over a number of Utah’s historical county roads, with the most notable case involving the road into San Juan County’s Recapture Canyon. Over a decade […]


House Resources Committee mulls land bills removing federal roadblocks from local communities

— Published with Permission of — H.R. 1547 rectifies a long-standing, unfulfilled agreement from 1989 between the City of Tucson, Arizona (City) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The deal gave the City clear title of Udall Park by removing BLM’s reversionary interest in exchange for $4 million worth of land. Due to […]


Zinke moves to drain the swamp at Interior Department

— Published with Permission of — Zinke’s departmental shake up is not just your typical, run-of-the-mill reorganization that happens each time a new administration takes power. Zinke took over a department that has been dogged by controversy, corruption, and a reputation that prompts fear and loathing in the West. Trump’s Interior Department Secretary, Montana rancher […]

Gem State Patriot News