John Livingston

Walls and Bridges

In February 2016, Pope Francis said that “a person who thinks only of building walls, wherever it may be, and not of building bridges, is not Christian.” I was reminded of those words as I was watching President Trump’s speech before Congress last week. The theme of “WALLS AND BRIDGES” has been applied most often […]

John Livingston

Even the Devil Can Quote Scripture

Over the past four days on the award-winning Kevin Miller show on 580 AM on the radio—most recently the recipient of the coveted, well-known but little-described Livingston Award For Broadcast excellence, several call-in gentlemen have been less than kind in my opinion to other callers who profess without shame their Christian Faith. I was probably […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Crazy Times!

Knowing The Time We Are Living In Do you ever go to bed at night and think that the world is nuts? Do you ever wonder why this is happening? The Bible has hundreds of prophecies that foretell future events, and many people are opening up the Bible to get answers. Jesus fulfilled at least […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Leadership For Truth

Where Are the Voices of Truth and Liberty? A couple of items popped up on my computer this last week that made me wonder where we are as a Christian community and commitment. First I saw a local church in our community making a bold statement to their flock that said this: “…..Church will not […]


Governor Little Should Have “Let the People Go”

Last week while Governor Little was out of state, Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin, acting as Governor in Little’s absence, signed an executive order that prevented cities, local school boards, and other local government authorities from mandating masks. Upon his return, Little immediately rescinded McGeachin’s executive order. Now local governments can once again mandate masks. Little […]


Opportunity to Advance Election Integrity and Bible Use Legislation

Idaho’s citizens have the opportunity to help advance proposed legislation for the 2017 legislative session. During the 2016 Republican convention, delegates from throughout the state passed three resolutions advocating specific legislation to be enacted by the Idaho legislature. Now is the time for those delegates and other citizens to remind the Republican legislature that “We […]

Gem State Patriot News