John Livingston

The Smartest Dude in the Room

Smart people understand that there are many components to intelligence. Cognition, judgement, a virtuous morality upon which to base our thoughts are what connect intelligence and knowledge to WISDOM. It has been my experience that when in the presence of great intelligence, the smartest person in the room doesn’t need to tell everybody in the […]


What’s Happened to the Democrats?

When I worked at the Bunker Hill Mine in Kellogg, Idaho, most of my associates were Democrats—good Americans. They were family men, hard-working, clean living and reasonable. I don’t recognize them anymore. During the Trump Administration, immigration was under control, we were producing more energy than we needed, and America was bouncing back after the […]

John Livingston News

Empathy vs Compassion

The confusion in our understanding of the difference between empathy and compassion leads those who don’t know the difference between “feeling the right way” and doing the “right thing”, to almost always do the wrong. Empathy is a psycho-social phenomena and a postmodern invention used to justify feelings coming from the era of psychoanalysis in […]

John Livingston News


Last week Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives refused to read the names of the brave Marines and Navy Corpsmen who died in Afghanistan on the first day of the American chaotic retreat. Several members of Congress who themselves were veterans asked that after the opening prayer and The Pledge […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Op-Ed “The Destroyers”

The problem with most politicians today is they are some of the most selfish people you will run into in your life. Everything they do is to help themselves not the people they represent. For instance, take the four congressional representatives who have been berating President Trump and calling him a racist and too many […]

Gem State Patriot News