Gem State Patriot TV

Gem State Patriot TV, Episode #7

Alexandria Kincaid discusses 2nd Amendment rights, campus carry, etc.

Gem State Patriot TV

Gem State Patriot TV, Episode #6

Rep. Judy Boyle of the 9th. District discusses gun bills and 2nd Amendment rights

Gem State Patriot TV

Gem State Patriot TV, Episode #5

Idaho Chooses Life but not The Legislature

Gem State Patriot TV

Gem State Patriot TV, Episode #4

Minimum Wage? Good or Bad

Gem State Patriot TV

Gem State Patriot TV, Episode #3

Common Core? Not for Idaho!

Gem State Patriot TV

Gem State Patriot TV, Episode #2

The State Land Board: Competing with our Private Businesses

Gem State Patriot TV

Gem State Patriot TV, Episode #1

The State Healthcare Exchange Costs & Problems


Stop Complaining and Do Something

Listening to the President speak last night was like watching my worst nightmare come true. Here is a man who ran his last election on hope, and change. Well after last night’s speech I can find few reasons for hope and the only change we are going to get is what he wants to impose […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

A Convention of States Argument

Let me be clear, I am against the popular notion that a Convention of the States under Article V of the Constitution is a solution to this nation’s woes. In fact, it is my belief that such a convention would threaten the very essence of Americanism as contemplated by our founding fathers. So you understand […]


Comments made by Tea Party Bob on the Kevin Miller Show this morning

You have to wonder if Speaker Bedke has been listening to the Kevin Miller show because we have been talking about high uncompetitive taxes in our state for the past 4 or 5 months. Is it an epiphany they are having or is it worry over the primary elections. In any case it’s nice to […]

Gem State Patriot News