This month we celebrate the 228th anniversary of the U.S. Constitution and ask the question, “is the Constitution dead?” Has it survived despite the many years of degradation it has suffered or did it succumb long ago?
Is the Constitution Dead?

This month we celebrate the 228th anniversary of the U.S. Constitution and ask the question, “is the Constitution dead?” Has it survived despite the many years of degradation it has suffered or did it succumb long ago?
Dear Patriots, I hope you may have had recent opportunity to attend Senator Crapo’s Town Hall meetings held around the Magic Valley.
— Reprinted with Permission of The John Birch Society — In June 2014, delegates from many nations gathered at United Nations Headquarters in New York to continue their work on a program that would disarm civilians in America and throughout the world.
Tens of thousands of people across the country are uniting to find a cure for neurofibromatosis. Join our Idaho NF Walk team in Julius M. Kleiner Memorial Park to End NF: an incredible event, an awesome team.
— Reprinted with Permission of The New American magazine — Police in North Dakota may now legally deploy drones equipped with Tasers and tear gas.
Understanding our Forests Idaho has some of the most beautiful and pristine forests in the United States.
“Forrest Gump” is one of the truly great movies because of the endless chain of life lessons. Many of these are built around the notion of “Stupid is as stupid does”.
Aside from being entertaining, there are several useful lessons Republicans must learn from Donald Trump if we are to save the GOP and America:
It was 1984, and was working a trade show in Montana. Various venders had booths around the conference area. The conference was at a National Park, so traffic was slow, as attendees had their minds on seeing the sights.
Welcome to the new, web-based Gem State Patriot newsletter. Instead of a single PDF file, this newsletter is interactive, allows comments and discussion, and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.
Contributions are tax deductible and all proceeds will be used for a law suit to challenge the requirement for Common Core in our public schools.
We were reminded recently that Obama will do anything he can to grab guns legally or administratively. Idaho Republican State Representative Heather Scott brought this to the forefront just last week by defending the right of U.S. Navy Veteran John Arnold of Priest River when the Veterans Affairs office sent him a letter warning him […]