
Organ Harvesting Ban May be in Trouble

Our legislation – the Idaho Unborn Infants Dignity Act – may be in trouble at the Legislature. Despite strong support from many legislators, we have hit a major bump in the form of a slashing AG opinion which argues that trafficking in aborted baby parts may be “constitutionally” protected. In the midst of the national scandal revealed […]


Oil and Gas arrogations likened to Stalinist Russia

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” — George Santayana (1863) In 1927, the “committee” which ratified Stalin’s consolidation of power in Russia still had a problem with the peasants who wanted to own their own land. (The Communist press of the 1920’s referred to this as “the cursed problem.”) Stalin’s solution was […]


The Constitution Was Created To Govern the Government

The central government was created with strictly limited powers leaving the states to compete with one another to become the best state, the one with the least amount of taxation and controls, one where citizens would want to build a business and raise a family. That spirit of competition produced excellence as honest competition always […]


Trump, Trade, and the Fed

— Reprinted with permission of John Birch Society — Giving credit where credit is due, we must acknowledge that Donald Trump appears to be the only Republican presidential candidate willing to criticize the many entangling trade alliances America is now involved with or is preparing to become involved with. Trump has been a vocal critic […]


Register now for the NW Liberty Academy 2016 Liberty Symposium!

NORTHWEST LIBERTY ACADEMY …teaching the moral and ethical principles of a Free Society and Free Enterprise Visit our new website! Register now for the NW Liberty Academy 2016 Liberty Symposium! Lawrence Reed, President of the Foundation of Economic Education (FEE) will be our keynote speaker. Founded in 1946 by Leonard Read, author of I, Pencil, FEE […]


The Schemes for Replacing National Sovereignty With World Government

In the book of Genesis Chapter 11 we find the Biblical account of the first attempt at world government. After the time of Noah, the ark, and the flood everyone spoke one language. Nimrod the King of Babel and his followers decided to build a city and a tower so high it would reach to heaven in […]

News Newsletter Index

Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 52

Welcome to Volume 52 of the Gem State Patriot newsletter. This interactive newsletter allows comments and discussion and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot. Need a website?I can help. Was the Wildlife Refuge Takeover for Nothing? We Don’t Believe it […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Was the Wildlife Refuge Takeover for Nothing? We Don’t Believe it was; Here’s Why

In my opinion, the only important thing that was accomplished at Burns, Oregon was to make light of the overreach and heavy handedness of our government bureaucrats when dealing with ranchers and farmers rights. The one mistake they made was to make this stand in Oregon because of the liberal nature of their elected officials. […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Brad Little for Governor? Are you kidding me?

Lt. Governor Brad Little recently wrote an Op-Ed for the Times News, and we would like to address this article which has all of the appearances of a man running for Governor. He starts off talking about his hometown of Emmett, and how it suffered a devastating loss with a major employer of the town […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Me thinks Senator Winder doth protest too much. The question is WHY?

Why does it not surprise me that Senator Winder is inserting himself into this recall of the four West Ada School District Trustees? Many of us believe that this is not about the ability of the trustees to run the school board, but about the $400 million budget that they will have control over. Many […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Higher Taxes Continue to Stress Our Idaho Citizens

Isn’t it nice that the legislature brings on a new tax package and guess who gets the short end of the stick again? The lower and middle income taxpayers of Idaho. Yet year after year we vote the same people back into office and expect a different result. This is Einstein definition of insanity. If […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Don’t make another dumb decision on Medicaid Expansion

While our Legislators explore a case for Medicaid Expansion with bills 1204 and 1205 the Idaho Freedom Foundation appears to be the lone white knight in this battle to keep Medicaid costs at bay in our state. Once again our so called conservative legislators have two bills before them that in essence could at some […]

Gem State Patriot News