Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Albertson’s Foundations Education Blunder

In a recent newspaper article West Ada High School graduates confronted the Albertson Foundation via a video over their disparaging and controversial ad which the foundation financed. It depicted students getting off of a school bus in the middle of nowhere with only one student left on board. Click this link to see the video. […]


The Power in Somebody Doing Something

Remember the story of the talents in Matt 25:14-30,“To one he gave five talents, to another two and to another one, each according to his own ability,” Afterwards, the Master judged each recipient of talents by what he did with what he received. Remember that the servant who hid (out of fear) his single talent […]


Mr. President, You Disgust Me

I’ve known for eight long years what a poor excuse for a man we have as a President. I’ve known for eight long years what a deep dark hole he is leading this country down. I’ve known for eight long years that he is either mentally unstable, incredibly ignorant, or an extreme Muslim sympathizer like […]


Justice isn’t blind, it’s crooked: Opposing view

USA Today asked Donald Trump for OpEd presenting his case for USA TODAY. Donald asked Wayne to be his surrogate and write it. What an honor. From Thursday’s USA Today: This Trump University lawsuit is a perfect example. The powerful, corrupt, elite establishment is out to destroy or at least change Donald Trump. Their attacks have […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

The Blame Game and another Wake-up Call

Everyone wants to blame someone for the Orlando shooting, take your pick. ACLU lawyers blame ‘Christian right,’ GOP for Orlando terrorist attack NBC ‘Expert’ Blamed Orlando on Anti-Gay ‘White Hate Groups’ Socialist Bernie Sanders Blames Orlando Terrorist Attack on ‘Machine Guns’ Mayor De Blasio’s Office Immediately Blames Guns for Terrorist Attack Planned Parenthood Blames ‘Toxic […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Terrorists are here – We Must Be Vigilant and Prepared

I don’t think that most Americans understand that we have been at war with radical Islam since 9/11. They have brought this war to us with their terrorist’s cells which proliferate our towns and cities, but are unknown sleepers ready to strike at a moments’ notice. We have to start acting more like the Israelis […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Americans in Imminent Danger from Terrorist Attacks

While the politically correct politicians once again pontificate about the gun control no one is talking about how to profile and vet refugees who are entering our country. This shooter was an American citizen whose parents are from Afghanistan. He was a security guard with an enhanced firearms license. This man was under investigation by […]


Paul Ryan is the Reason the GOP is Losing America

I have a message for Donald Trump: DON’T CHANGE A THING. Donald, from the moment you started running for President…the biased-liberal mainstream media, government bureaucrats, career politicians, lawyers, lobbyists, establishment Republicans and various corporate CEOs- who are all in bed together- have tried to damage you, destroy you, or change you. But you stuck to […]


Common Core’s Social Agenda

Socialization: A process by which the Left creates new standards of moral order. Opponents of the common core agenda, which includes a nationalization of public education, have long feared that a major component of the elite’s agenda to “reform” education had nothing to do with developing basic intellectual skills. A good part of that concern […]


Racism is a Tool of the Left

Thomas Sowell wrote: “A painful moment for me, years ago, when I was on the lecture circuit, came after a talk at Marquette University, when a young black student rose and asked: “Even though I am graduating from Marquette University, what hope is there for me?” “Back in the 1950s, when I was a student, […]


The 2016 NWLA Liberty Symposium is almost here!

Below you will see the latest flyer with speaker and panelist photos. CLICK HERE to see it on the NWLA website. CLICK HERE to see the updated 2016 Symposium schedule. As you will see there are some fun topics including games, tours and interactive panels along with some great speakers. Please call Elizabeth at (208) 869-1709 if you have any questions.


Battle Rages as GOP Saves Obama Plot to Diversify Neighborhoods

After some grandstanding to placate outraged constituents, establishment Republicans in Congress quietly voted to fund Obama’s unconstitutional plan to fundamentally transform your neighborhood by bringing in more federally funded “diversity.” In short, if Big Brother’s race-obsessed data-gathering machine determines that there are not enough poor or minority residents on welfare living in your city, town, zip code, […]

Gem State Patriot News