
Obama Family’s Taxpayer-Funded Travel Exceeds $96 Million

Thanks to Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act requests, Americans now know that the Obama family spent a whopping $96.9 million on travel at taxpayer expense.[i] These expenses far exceed the President’s $100,000 annual travel expense authorization codified in 3 U.S. Code, Chapter 2, Section 103.[ii] Section 105 of this Federal code also limits the […]


Indians Want America’s Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: American Apartheid

During the Vietnam War years, I owned a lovely home on Stonybrook Drive in Anaheim, California. My children’s learning, memories, family traditions, and life-experiences were forged in that home. My children were native to that soil. Although we had to move away and have been gone for many years, it was the homeland of our […]


Constitution Convention Facts!

THE CON-CON ISSUE IS THE BIGGEST THREAT THAT CAN TAKE DOWN AMERICA OVERNIGHT! Sure things are a mess, because elected officials have gotten away from what brought us and what we are really about. A nation of limited government, with the people shouldering most responsibilities themselves. We are not supposed to be socialists and that’s where our […]


Ten 2017 Resolutions for ONE AMERICA… Make America Great Again!

The ten proposed Resolutions below would be a significant start to healing divisiveness that has intentionally pitted one American against another in the recent decade. In fact, taking such actions as suggested below could restore a pride and luster to the very term, “American.” As citizens of our beloved country, we have all taken quite […]


Budget solution will not be found in Convention of States

Proponents for an Article V Constitutional Convention say this is a necessary procedure. They profess it is necessary to implement a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, in order to control the National Debt. This simply is not true. The state of Idaho has a Balanced Budget amendment cradled within the Idaho Constitution and […]


Obama’s Massive Land Grab: 553 Million Acres for ‘Conservation’? – Very Alarming!

Obama’s newest land grab of 1.65 million acres in Utah and Nevada have been declared as National Monuments bringing his total to now 553 million acres which have been repurposed by using the 1906 Antiquities Act. The Antiquities Act was passed at the urging of progressive Republican President Theodore Roosevelt, a strong believer not only […]


Education Supply Chain Management and Control

In 1978, Pfeffer and Salancik published External Control of Organizations. The full title is “External Control of Organizations – a resource dependence perspective“. The authors make the point that those who control the resources control the organization. If an organization is dependent on outside resources then whoever controls those outside resources can control the organization. […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

More Tax Breaks for Corporations? When will it stop?

Once again we see government reaching into our pockets for tax dollars to secure more jobs from corporations that are not located in Idaho. Why is it that we allow these bureaucrats to spend our money on outside firms instead of giving tax breaks to in-state businesses and who are they hiring for these jobs? […]


Could Obama Be Called ‘America’s First Muslim President’?

Remember when President Bill Clinton was called “America’s first black President”? Obviously, it wasn’t because he was black. But Clinton had an affinity for black people and his actions were beneficial to black people (or so they thought). Hence the branding as “America’s first black President.” The tag stuck. Well don’t look now, but I […]


Reject calls for an Article V Convention

Dear Friends & Patriots, There is much behind the Article V movement that you must know. Called the Convention of States in many circles, the object is the same, to amend the Constitution of the United States through the powers under Article V of the Constitution. I believe this to be a very dangerous move […]


Biggest Fake News Story: Global Warming and Phony Consensus

— Published with permission from The New — The title of a December 27 article in The Atlantic asks: “Are Climate Scientists Ready for Trump?” “How should climate scientists react to a president-elect who calls global warming a ‘hoax?,’” the writer, Robinson Meyer, asks in the opening sentence. “How much should they prepare for […]


Colorado’s Anti-gun Laws Cost the State Jobs, Tax Revenues

— Published with permission from The New — Magpul, one of the country’s largest producers of ammunition magazines, vowed to leave Colorado if the state’s Democrats passed a law limiting magazine capacities to 15 rounds. In 2013 anti-gun Democrats, reveling in the successful implementation of the “Colorado Model” (funded by four wealthy liberals, designed […]

Gem State Patriot News