Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Get Government out of Healthcare and ‘Put the People Back in Charge’

The solution to fixing healthcare in America is not going to be solved by having insurance companies cross state lines because even if we did allow them to cross, what assurance is there that costs would come down and choices would increase? You would also have to standardize rules across the board so that rules […]


There is a Russian Scandal, but it’s Hillary’s Scandal

The entire “Trump Russian scandal” narrative is complete utter nonsense. Democrats are so desperate to stop Trump, they’re clinging to a Saturday Night Live comedy skit—with the full cooperation of their liberal lackeys in the mainstream media. They’ve just made a YUGE mistake. And it’s all going to blow up in their face. There is a “Russian influence […]


‘Making America Great Again Begins in Idaho’ KCRCC Lincoln Day Dinner Sets Records in Cd’A

“Making America Great Again Begins in Idaho,” and it began in North Idaho on Saturday night March 4th in Coeur d’Alene at the Coeur d’Alene Resort Hotel where the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) held its annual Lincoln Day Dinner. KCRCC Chairman Brent Regan was pleased to announce they set new records for attendance […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Healthcare Starts with the Individual, not in the Legislature

Solving our healthcare problem is not going to happen in one fell swoop as the problem did not just start with Obamacare; it has been festering a long time and part of the problem is thinking that everyone is entitled to have healthcare. We just proved with Obamacare that this will eventually bankrupt the country. […]


Repeal, Don’t Replace ObamaCare

Right now there is a lot of discussion about Obamacare, or the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. No one seems to be asking if this is the proper role of government. (The bill was huge, and Congresswoman Pelosi said that we had to pass it so we could find out what was in it. Now […]


Idaho Takes a Step Backward in Protecting Babies, Moms

The House State Affairs Committee on Monday (03.06.17) took the unprecedented step of approving a bill to repeal part of a law approved in 2015 regulating chemical abortions in Idaho. HB250 was brought forward by Idaho Chooses Life as a tactical response to the disastrous lawsuit still pending before federal Judge Lynn Winmill. After telling […]


We Must Factually Re-Educate Our Youth to Save America at the Polls

I awoke in the night finding myself compelled to check for something on my computer that I am expecting and since I use The New as my homepage instantly saw Selwyn Duke’s, “Death by Education,” which almost demanded reading immediately. His paragraph that drove me forward to pass this information on reads: “By the […]


A week of Contrast

Saturday, February 25, I attended the Idaho Second Amendment rally at the Capitol in Boise. A peaceful, powerful statement of the dedication Idaho citizens feel about their right to bear arms and their First Amendment right to peacefully assemble and freely express their views. The weather was perfect, with sun blessing the event from time […]


Eliminating Federal Agencies Needs Being Done

However, Nobody Wants Their Ox Gored Today the United States is 17th in the World Economic Freedom Index. Economic Freedom defined: The freedom to prosper within a country without intervention from a government or economic authority. Individuals are free to secure and protect his/her human resources, labor and private property. Economic freedom is common in […]


Irrelevance & Insolence: Goodbye Wretched Democrats

Complain, Raise Hell, and Obstruct: That’s all that’s Left Democrats haven’t produced anything constitutionally worthwhile or redeeming for a very long time and they haven’t a clue why not and choose to blame others rather than be introspective. Ironically, what’s worse is that they don’t yet have a clue that that is exactly why they […]


Boise liberals want to pass a $172.5 million school bond — Help us STOP them!

On Tuesday, March 14, 2017, the Boise School District will ask you to approve a $172.5 million bond to cover new and unnecessary spending. Fortunately, it is not too late to stop this irresponsible growth of government. We have an incredible opportunity to convince voters in the Boise School District to REJECT this reckless increase […]


The incredibly uncivil nature of ‘civil asset forfeiture’

A few days ago, I was directed to a YouTube video that prompted me to recall the danger, the unconstitutionality, and the uncivil nature of the practice called “civil asset forfeiture.” The first four minutes of the video featured President Trump and representatives of the National Sheriffs’ Association discussing the topic of asset forfeiture. The […]

Gem State Patriot News