
Trumped-Care: If At First You Don’t Fail, Try, Try Again

— Published with Permission of — We previously discussed the fraud that has been “repeal and replace” ObamaCare. That fraud was rightly killed by the more conservative members of the House. Now Republican leadership has tweaked the fraud enough to convince enough of the holdouts to go “yea.” Now the House has passed a slightly modified […]


Petition to Support H.R. 899 Terminate the Department of Education

— Published with Permission of — “The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2018.” Those words are the entire content of a new bill, H.R. 899. This bill was introduced by courageous Congressman Thomas Massie (R – Kentucky). H.R. 899 is revolutionary. H.R. 899 will end the destruction of America’s education system. H.R. 899 […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Why Healthcare Sharing Companies Thrive with Obamacare’s Demise

Most Health Sharing Ministries have been around for a few decades and there are only six that we know of in the U.S. They must have existed and been in practice continually since December 31, 1999. The interesting attribute of these ministries is that they only seem to attract those people who are healthier than […]


Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS) to SWAP (Part 1 of 6)

Part 1 of a 6 Part Series This is the first of a six-part series. The reader is highly encouraged to go to these websites and study what is discussed in these articles in order to make an informed decision. As a child in Island Park, frequent visits by a squirrel to the cabin resulted […]


House Natural Resources Reviews Antiquities Act Abuses, Possible Reversals

— Published with Permission of — “Traditional Utah Navajo people are not magazine environmentalists but are real stewards of the land whose interests will be destroyed by a Bears Ears National Monument. Grassroots Utah Navajo people do not support this effort to convert our sacred lands into a federal designation that will subjugate them […]


‘Trojan House’ Speaker Paul Ryan Presents ObamaCare Lite

President Trump is so eager to make a deal on the American Health Care Act (AHCA) that he can be too easily cajoled into believing what he wishes for is what we are getting without the advantage of closer inspection by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) or weighing the damage it will inflict on citizens […]


Conservation Easements are a ‘Sustainable Development’ Land Grab

One of the prime targets of the Sustainability movement is the acquisition and control of private property of this country and the natural resources contained. The Conservation Easement provides the tools, techniques, and motivations to legally wrest the land from its owners and transfer it to the federal government supposedly preserving it for future generations. […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Mr. President, Go Directly to the People to Build the Wall

I have a message for President Trump. Congress will never pay to build the wall. Democrats will never fund the wall. They no longer care about either America, or middle-class Americans, or American workers. They couldn’t care less about heroin, or cocaine, or a myriad of other deadly drugs flooding our nation, killing our children. They couldn’t […]


Action Alert – Bundy Defense Fund

Dear Friends, Family and Concerned Citizens, I am writing to ask for your financial support for the Ammon Bundy Defense Fund. I have come to know Ammon and the other Idaho detainees. I pray you will join me in this effort to help finance legal expenses for the upcoming trial. In Liberty, Darr It is difficult to […]


100 Days of Trump: Change in the Media

— Published with Permission of — Although it was not among his promises to the American people, it can be rightly argued that the one place President Donald Trump has fostered a prodigious amount of change in a short time is in the kingdom of the Fourth Estate. Whether by design or sheer force […]


Antiquities Act Review: Restoring land, hope, and economic freedom in the West

— Published with Permission of — The grazing allotment used by the Finicums, until the BLM kicked them out, is covered by the Grand Canyon Parashant monument. Therefore, if that monument is reversed, then it will be easier for Jeanette Finicum to recover her grazing allotment and ranch. PRESIDENT ISSUES EXECUTIVE ORDER TO REVIEW […]


Notes for the Boise State University Wrestling Resistance

A few elections ago, I asked a friend to ask for the salaries of Boise State University people. The hard copy information exists in their library and is available upon request at the front desk. My friend got the run-around and finally when she was presented the information, the University wanted to charge her hundreds […]

Gem State Patriot News