
Ranchers urge permanent repeal of ‘Death Tax’

— Published with Permission of — “I managed the ranch for my mother who passed away in 2012. In 1977 the ranch was worth about one million dollars, in 2012 it was worth over 20 million. My mother did no estate planning, had made numerous ‘gifts’ and we were hit with over five million in […]


24 Constitutional Questions Every American Should be Able to Answer

— Published with Permission of — September 17 is designated Constitution Day in recognition of the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution in 1787. How many of these quiz questions can you answer? 1. Q: Has the Constitution always guided the country? A: No. Originally the nation functioned under the Continental Congress and […]


Leaked Video: Are feds lying about Bunkerville LEOs being ‘outgunned’?

— Published with Permission of — “…there were no incidents of actual aggression on the parts of any of the protesters. There were over a hundred protesters who went to Bunkerville to defend Bundy’s cattle, but many on the scene were women, children, and curious onlookers. It’s true the feds were ‘outnumbered,’ but the implication […]


Zinke ‘Wildland Fire Directive’ emphasizes fuels reduction

— Published with Permission of — This year-to-date, 47,700 wildfires have burned 8 million acres across the country, with the majority of the devastation in the states of California and Montana. High-profile fires in Yosemite and Glacier National Parks have caught national headlines, however millions of acres of forest and grassland have burned in recent […]


Republican Party Hypocrites

In the world of illusion vs. reality, not much tops the ‘revealing truth’ of the Republican Party today. No illusions from the Democrat Party, however, it is in our face with reality. The hijacked Democrat Party leadership transformed by extreme socialists clinging to the moniker of progressivism, are now progressively associating with the likes of […]


Idaho and Western Water Wars

It’s all about who will control the water and subsequently the land. After over one hundred years of settling the west, the water wars of yesteryear are once again alive and well. What has changed is who and how the water fight is being played out 100 years later and what the end goals are […]


Barbarians at the School House Door

— Published with Permission of — The barbarians have finally broken down the school doors and are now plundering knowledge. Books are their target. Banning them is the goal. In New York City, administrators at the Life Sciences Secondary School have ordered all textbooks rounded up and removed. Books, they say, are antiquated. Instead, […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

One More Regulation – Fewer Jobs for Idahoans

Sometimes I just have to shake my head and ask the question; how did we elect so many dumb people to our legislature? In a recent article published by The Idaho Business Review, Democratic Rep. Ilana Rubel wrote an op-ed on Idaho’s non-compete law and how bad it is for startup businesses and hiring talented […]


Americans Under 30 Prefer Socialism

— Published with Permission of — Willi Schlamm, an Austrian journalist who survived communist occupation, once quipped: “The trouble with socialism is socialism. The trouble with capitalism is capitalists.” This very astute observation was surely born of experience. Schlamm’s point was clear: capitalism works, even though some capitalists may exploit the system. But socialism […]


PHOTOS: Tim and Karen Kastning Host Russ Fulcher Meet & Greet in Rathdrum, Idaho

Please enjoy these photos from the Russ Fulcher Meet & Greet in Rathdrum, Idaho which was hosted by Tim and Karen Kastning.  


Travesty or Justice?

Respectfully, we want to believe in Attorney General Sessions as the staunch GOP conservative from Texas who was the first Senator to endorse Donald Trump for the Presidency. A man dedicated to enforcing the rule of law and overseeing justice among our many layers of courts in the justice system. He looks and figuratively smells […]


Outsiders vs. Insiders: Could trained chimps help Donald Trump more than Ryan and McConnell?

— Published with Permission of — Has Donald Trump turned Democrat? It’s something many Republicans and conservatives are wondering after the president, without warning, caved-in to the minority party’s demands this week to limit the scope of raising the debt ceiling without apparently asking for anything of value in return for the capitulation. Nearly everyone […]

Gem State Patriot News