
Did Someone Make a Fortune on Vegas Terror Attack?

I’ve argued since the first moments of the Vegas mass murder event that the killer had help…that someone funded, coordinated and planned the attack…and that it had all the hallmarks of an ISIS attack. That doesn’t mean it was. It just means it looks and smelled like one to me. Soon after ISIS took credit […]


We the People Do Better

Recently, I have been reading and hearing a lot about groups like the Cajun Navy, which rescued hundreds of people during Hurricane Harvey. The organization formed spontaneously in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and is stimulating a new and much-needed conversation. When you compare the voluntary provision of important public services by the “Cajun Navies” […]


EVENT: Cancer Killers- Getting to the cause

It’s time to EMPOWER your life! RSVP Today, Limited seats available. You won’t want to miss it! Saturday, November 4th, 2017, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Reserve your spot today! Call or email. 208-906-1564 Learn the: Top 3 alternatives to chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Keep your cancer genes from turning on. Step-by-step suggestions for […]


Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 – There is no Difference

— Published with Permission of — EDITOR’S NOTE: Many times in the past year, when I have continued to use the term Agenda 21, people will rush in to correct me – “It’s Agenda 2030 now!” Well, yes and no. This is what the UN does – it changes names and titles like a […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Will Integrative Medicine be the Future of Healthcare? Part III in a series (The Solution)

Our approach to a healthy society is upside down: Those who are involved in healthcare have built an entire trillion dollar industry around it. As a nation, we do not try to keep our citizens healthy by any means. What we do is continue to allow corporations to use untested chemicals in household products, produce […]


The Humanitarian Hoax of sanctuary cities: Killing America with kindness

— Published with Permission of — The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy. Obama, the humanitarian huckster-in-chief, weakened the United States for eight years by persuading America to accept […]


Wayne Allyn Root: VEGAS STRONG

The story of the year is the worst mass shooting in U.S. history right here in Vegas. But the real story of the year should be the remarkable reaction to this terrible, heinous act of terror. We are “VEGAS STRONG.” At this moment, we don’t know why the mass murderer committed this atrocious crime. We […]


Tails 3.2: Privacy, Security, and Anonymity on the Internet Just Got Easier

— Published with Permission of — The operating system Ed Snowden used to communicate with journalists when he revealed the size and scope of NSA surveillance in 2013 received a major update Thursday. Tails (which stands for The Amnesic Incognito Live System) is a Linux distribution created and distributed by the Tails Project. Tails […]


Representative Government in Idaho Is Broken

Submission to Gem State Patriot: September 30, 2017 Evalyn Bennett, 6 East Ute Road, Salmon, Idaho 83467 (208) 756-3974 Publisher’s Note: This article reprints the author’s previously published commentary in the Post Register. Those commentary excerpts from the August 12, September 2, and September 16, 2017 editions of the Post Register are noted in quotation […]


Meckler’s COS and BBA Are Not a Quick Fix, They Would Be a Disaster

Americans are fed up with the endless attacks on our traditional values, Constitution, schools, religion, health care, states’ rights, property and water rights, military, voting rights, monuments and now our flag and national anthem. That makes us ripe for an appealing pitch for an effective ‘quick fix for our troubled times,’ because most of us […]


Donald Trump 35 — NFL 0

This is the story of the suicide of the NFL. Are you listening, Jim Murren and MGM? This is a case study for how to destroy a billion-dollar business by injecting your offensive leftist politics and alienating your own customer base. President Trump has done it again. No, I don’t mean he’s offended millions of […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Tossing the Political Football on their Knees

In my younger years on Wall Street, I got to work with and rub elbows with any number of professional football players like Scott Eaton, Spider Lockhart, and Chuck Mercene who after being injured turned to Wall Street to make a living. These men would have never even thought of taking a knee they had […]

Gem State Patriot News