Bob's Words of Wisdom

Kamala’s Interview vs Trump’s new Alliance with RFK

It appears that Kamala is in over her head and can’t make up her mind what she is for and what she is against. She is a bit like Joey Biden only Joe has changed his mind so many times that his mind finally gave up and stopped working. This seems to be a problem […]

John Livingston

Labor Day Thoughts

If there is one thing that has happened to politics in our country over the past 260 years it has been the replacing of political philosophy with marketing and branding in our elections, Our Founding Fathers knew what they believed and most importantly they knew why they believed it. Biblical and Natural Law Principles were […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Prop 1 Fact Check

About a third of all the visitors to the Republican tent at the North Idaho Fair had no idea about Proposition 1 and were unaware it was going to be on the November ballot. So what is Prop 1 and why should they or you care. If passed, Proposition 1 would eliminate our current primary […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Labrador Letter: The Misinformation Campaign of the Idaho Statesman

Dear Friends, I know it will come as no surprise to the readers of the Labrador Letter that I’m not particularly fond of the media. Some reporters in Idaho try to be fair but most newspaper editorial boards and columnists are nothing short of left wing idealogues. They persistently show their editorial bias in the […]

John Livingston

Will Idaho Still Be Heaven For Our Children?

On August 18th in North Carolina Kamala Harris stated: “As President, I will work in partnership with industry (developers—jl) to build the housing that we need both to rent and buy. We will take down barriers and cut red tape including at the state and local levels.” This speech could have been given by Boise […]

John Livingston

Our Souls in Purgatory

“AS soon as the coin in the coffer rings, The souls in purgatory spring” Fr. Johann Tetzel We are today living in a political “purgatory”. Fr. Tetzel was a primary antagonist to Martin Luther during the reformation and legend has it that the words above helped precipitate the Ninety-Five Thesis of Luther—probably not true. We […]

John Livingston

Compassion, Not Empathy

Several speakers at last week’s Democratic National Convention (DNC) used the word empathy in describing the progressive liberal morality specifically as it relates to the issues of immigration and abortion. The implication is that having a greater degree of “empathy or sympathy” necessarily leads to a greater degree of altruism and the moral high ground. […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Ignorant, Brainwashed, or Lying

“The trouble with our Liberal friends is that they know so much that isn’t so.” Ronald Reagan When I hear a progressive say something that is obviously untethered from the truth I consider whether that person is ignorant, brainwashed or lying. Ignorant if they simply do not know the truth. Brainwashed if they have been […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

It’s now simply a case of Good vs Evil

While we don’t know how much RFK’s endorsement of Trump will affect the election, it is certainly a move in the right direction. If nothing else, it will show Americans how far to the left the democratic party has moved when we see a die-hard democrat like Robert F Kennedy endorse a republican for president. […]


Idaho Supreme Court Denies Access to Innocence Compensation Fund for Man Convicted of Robbery, Kidnapping, Aggravated Battery

[BOISE] – Today, the Idaho Supreme Court denied John Wurdemann access to a compensation fund for defendants who are wrongfully convicted and are subsequently able to demonstrate their innocence. This fund has been used previously for defendants who were exonerated by DNA evidence. John Wurdemann was convicted for a June 2000 crime when he and […]


Attorney General Labrador Joins Brief Asking SCOTUS to Allow Arizona to Enforce Proof of Citizenship for Voter Registration

[BOISE] – Attorney General Raúl Labrador has joined a coalition of 24 states in asking the U.S. Supreme Court for an emergency stay after the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals refused to stay a decision enjoining enforcement of Arizona’s law, forcing Arizona to allow persons to register to vote in federal races without having to prove […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Prop 1 Ranked Choice Voting Is Expensive

Six years ago, Reclaim Idaho promised the people of Idaho that Medicaid Expansion would only cost around $400 million a year and that, since it was mostly covered by the federal government, it would be practically free. Today, taxpayers are shelling out many times that amount, and with the national debt now over $35 trillion, […]

Gem State Patriot News