
Government Gone Wild

Big Nanny Government running wild? Surely not you say! But then why are lemonade stands across the country being shut down? Why are Girl Scout Cookie stands and Japanese Tea Stands being shut down? Young entrepreneurs are being told to pack it up and move along because various violations are being broken they are told and of course fines are being issued many times.

The Freedom Center of Missouri, a relatively new public policy group in the Show Me State, for documenting the following list of outrages. Please note that all of these occurred the year of 2011. Such crackdowns are becoming more and more common.

Twelve-Year-Old’s Green Tea Stand Shut Down in Massachusetts Aug. 6: Massachusetts State police shut down the stand of a 12-year-old refugee from Fukushima, Japan, who was selling green tea he brought with him when he and his family evacuated after the tsunami.

(The 12 year old had no permit to sell his tea even though the town police had swung by and wished him good luck. Later that same day the Massachusetts State Police were the ones, who a short time later shut the stand down. I guess they have nothing better to do with their time!)

The Government War On Kid-Run Concession Stands Aug. 1: Police officers in Coralville, Iowa, ordered at least three sets of children to quit selling lemonade during the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa unless they first got a vendor’s permit and a health inspection. This is the first known example of a coordinated set of shutdowns at a single time.

Poor children! Now they will be discouraged. I guess the bike riders did not get any lemonade to drink!)

Police Crackdown on Lemonade Stands Across the Nation July 19: In McAllen, Texas, authorities shut down a girl’s lemonade stand for failing to obtain a food permit and threatened a grandmother who protested with a $50 fine. (Desperate for money are we?)

July 17: Police in Appleton, Wis., inform children that despite legally selling lemonade and cookies in their front yard during an annual city festival for the past several years, a new city ordinance bans these sales. The reason? To protect licensed vendors from competition. How’s that for a great example of how America works?

(The vendors must really be suffering because a few children are making money. Maybe they should make their product better!)

cops_in_georgiaJuly 15: Cops in Midway, Ga., shut down a lemonade stand some children were running in their own front yard, saying the kids had to obtain a peddler’s license and a food license and pay $50 per day for a temporary business permit. (Must be many who are prejudice against lemonade, so I guess I’ll try limeade next time!)

June 16: A county inspector in Maryland closed a kid’s lemonade stand and fines the parents $500 for violating county law. (Oh brother!)

June 10: The Philadelphia Department of Health shuts down a lemonade stand operated by a cancer charity because it lacked a necessary permit and — get this — didn’t install a hand-washing station. (Gasp, uh as long as the hands of those selling the lemonade were clean! A cancer charity no less, shut down! Well, I hope they had to explain this to the cancer victims.)

March 7: Officials in Hazelwood, Mo., said a cookie stand in a family’s driveway violated local ordinances and ordered an end to the Girl Scouts cookie sale. (No cookies in that neighborhood, perish the thought. Could it be that they thought the cookies were too fattening for everyone?)

Feb. 26: Georgia police demanded the closure of a Girl Scout cookie stand until the girls obtained a peddler’s permit. (Peddlers use to go door to door so maybe the problem was the girls were not going door to door).

Feb. 26: Savannah, Ga., officials determined that city ordinances require an end to a 40-year tradition of Girl Scouts. (Somebody hates cookies!)

I daresay that should I dig into 2012 – 2013 I would find more incidents. However this was good enough for me! I think that the government has run amok and it is Government gone wild!



police_stateFrom Oklahoma in the USA to Drummondville, Quebec in Canada it is happening. As an example a couple who was growing a beautiful and well maintained garden in their front yard because their back yard does not get enough natural light. They checked with the Environmental Services Inspector of their town. He gave a verbal okay. Now, I will tell you that was a mistake. Get them to write that on paper so you have proof!

The town came back and ordered them to remove their garden in 7 days; this after the couple had invested 2,700 dollars in their garden which has helped Mr. Beauchamp lose weight and he was trying to help his high blood pressure, which is important to do according to doctors and health articles. So now, the town besides only giving them seven days said that after those seven days they would fine them 300 dollars a day!

To top it off the town of Drummondville is moving forward with a new ordinance to remove and make sure no one can have front yard gardens. Thus, people because most of the backyards do not have enough light or enough room, will no longer have their home grown vegetables or have to move away to a home that will have a bigger, better backyard. Talk about control. I wonder how many grocery stores have paid off the town officials. It was not as if these gardens are not better than a bunch of junk cars or weeds. But there is more folks.

(Similar cases of home-grown food destruction have taken place in Georgia, Michigan, and New Jersey

before_and_afterWoman’s Survival Garden Seized and Destroyed by Authorities – As an example of this is Denise Morrison who resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She had over 100 species of herbal healing plants in her front yard but then the city government came in and illegally destroyed this garden. They were sued and she won. She did not want to rely on handouts from the government and that is very admirable. She was feeding herself and also treating a variety of medical issues. Well, now, we can’t have that can we? The lady was following the various codes. By the time the city government was done she could no longer feed or medicate herself. Really nice, right? I am being sarcastic of course.

According to a Mr. Halvington “the government telling us what we can do with our own property — that should never happen – In any economic downturn in the past history of the United States, the government has always encouraged the people to grow their own food, and so we want to continue with that movement.” That movement is the Victory Gardens. Mr. Halvington is fighting back because he too was ordered to destroy his garden; this occurred in Florida.

The War Over Raw Milk Heats Up The FDA also attacked an Amish farmer. His sin was selling raw milk. Raw milk sellers could go to prison for 10 years. This is such Bull pucky! They say it is dangerous, I say it is not. I drink it and thank God that the state of Idaho allows us to have raw milk so far. Touch my Raw Milk and you will hear my opinion and I will not be happy. I have the right to choose what I drink. One cannot go out and drive drunk on raw milk. I am hurting no one by doing this.


Raw milk battle reveals FDA abandonment of basic human right to choose your food Raw milk has many health benefits as in protecting against diarrhea, infection, rickets, tooth decay, and even tuberculosis. And the downside of this….well there is not any as long as their dairy is clean and the cows are healthy. The organic raw milk dairies are well monitored here in Idaho.

FDA Declares War Against Raw Milk The FDA even runs an intimidation program against dairy farmers who produce raw milk. They dress up in FBI uniforms or other agency uniforms and show up at the farmers’ dairies to try and persuade them to stop producing raw dairy products. There are no warrants and it is done unlawfully. Their goal is to destroy all who produce these products from the raw dairy industry. One dairy farmer was told that if he went public about their visit they would make sure his herd was destroyed by claiming his dairy had “mad cow disease!”

Here is another sad tale of a raw milk farmer:

65-year-old California ‘milk man’ subjected to extreme torture, hypothermia, raw sewage in LA County jail Please read this article because if they do this to him you could be next for something else.

Raw milk battle reveals FDA abandonment of basic human right to choose your food The FDA is helping our government head into the total tyranny of ‘We the People.’ I can have a choice to have an abortion but not drink raw milk. Isn’t that peachy? I could go on and on about the war on raw milk and in defense of raw milk, but what it comes down to is this. My choice is to drink it! My choice, and they have no right to tell me otherwise.

It’s Illegal to Hand Out Free Water on a Hot Day in Phoenix! And folks it gets even better, because according to an article written in Aug of 2012, an ABC affiliate, ABC-15, which is out of Phoenix reported that a woman was told that she violated a city ordinance by handing out water on a 112 degree day without a permit. She was doing a nice neighborly thing which was based on her own religious convictions. What kind of out of control government do we have when simple human kindness requires a permit?

Is Giving Food to the Homeless Illegal in Your City Too? Nov. 13, 2014 a WWII veteran by the name of Arnold Abbott got in trouble for feeding the homeless which he has done for two decades. While serving a public meal on November 2, 2014 Mr. Abbott told the Sun Sentinel that “a policeman pulled my arm and said, ‘Drop that plate right now,’ like it was a gun.” Way to go Phoenix and the cops that did this to a veteran no less who is 90 years old; shame on them. More and more cities are starting to make it illegal to feed the homeless; in fact 71 cities across the country have passed or tried to pass ordinances that criminalize feeding the homeless. This is according to Mr. Michael Stoops who is the director of community organizing at the National Coalition for the Homeless. Again, helping others is starting to require a permit.

FDA sends US marshals to seize elderberry juice concentrate, deems it ‘unapproved drug’ Wyldewood Cellars is a Kansas-based producer and distributor of elderberry juice. They received an unexpected and unwelcome visit from the FDA. They were, at the time, the latest raid target of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which sent US marshals to the company’s winery in Mulvane to confiscate the “unapproved drug.” Now I don’t know about you, but wine being considered a drug is, well, let’s just say that any wine, elderberry or otherwise being a drug would no doubt turn every drinker into a wino with that excuse and every druggie who pops pills to elderberry wine.

Court to Farmers: “You Don’t Have the Right to Fight the USDA!” According to the FDA they sent a warning letter to Wyldewood in 2006 to remove or modify certain health claims that it said were in violation of federal law. However Mr. John Brewer, co-founder of Wyldewood, says that after receiving the initial FDA warning letter, his company hired a consultant familiar with FDA regulations to help his company reword their product descriptions. They made the appropriate changes, and clarified that the elderberry products in question were supplements, so Mr. Brewer said his company had done what it needed to in order to be in compliance. Ah ha! Not so fast. He noted that following the changes up until the raid, the FDA had ceased communicating with Wyldewood.

raw_milkHe said “They’ve been in our facility multiple times. It’s like, ‘C’mon guys, we changed our label, we changed everything we thought we were supposed to do.’ And then they show up and do this. (Supplements) seems to be one of their hot buttons these days.” This tactic has become all too common in recent years. A company receives a warning letter from the FDA and they make the changes required and never hears anything further from the FDA. But then out of nowhere they get raided. The FDA and their actions are unwarranted and illegal and they should be sued.

And so the war against lemonade, raw milk, elderberry wine and giving water and food away continues. GOVERNMENT GONE WILD!

Police Raid Rawesome Foods, Dump Raw Milk

The War Against Organics

Spring Favorites

Gem State Patriot News