Hillary Clinton believes climate change is the most important issue facing the world today. More important than terrorism or anything related to it. Listen to what she has to say. Check her out in her own words at JunkScience.com, “All the junk that’s fit to debunk.” where she calls climate change the most consequential challenge. […]
Category: News
The Myth of Global Warming
When Al Gore screamed out in Senate testimony: “The Earth Has A Fever” he was not so much explaining a scientific principle as he was seeking to use fear to drive a political agenda. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued five reports (AR5) and in each one they have become […]
Welcome to Volume 55 of the Gem State Patriot newsletter. This interactive newsletter allows comments and discussion and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot. Need a website?I can help. 2016 Legislative Session Summary by Russ Fulcher Overall, it was not […]
2016 Legislative Session Summary
In an effort to create an effective analogy and insert a little fun into a description of the 2016 Idaho legislative session, I am assigning roles to two groups of people: Group 1 is the “good guys”. In this summary they are the people who generally like the Gem State Patriot and its publisher. Group […]
Rep. Kelley Packer of Legislative District 28 sent a formal letter to the Health and Welfare Committee pledging to vote against any funding that comes before the panel until a waiver program for medical gap coverage is presented to the full house for a vote. Once again Rep. Packer has shown that she is not […]
Most people don’t understand how big the corporate lobbyists footprint is because all of the deals are made in the back rooms and are never exposed to the light of day. We have become so naïve as a voting public that we believe just about anything the politicians tell us because the establishment media is […]
It was only two short years ago that Governor Otter and our crony legislators paid back their campaign contributors by voting for a State Health Care Exchange. Let us remind you of the Board Members of IACI who benefited from the state exchange. Mountain View Hospital, Saint Alphonso’s Health System, Saint Luke’s Health System. Blue […]
This Map is a Matter of Perspective
You’re either looking at America from a Canadian’s view point or America is upside down. HOW UPSIDE DOWN? We are now a nation of, by and for the government, promoting good will to the antithesis of Christianity (Muslims who want to kill all Christians), tolerating Sharia Law violating our Constitution, illegal benefits to illegal aliens, […]
Idaho legislators are crazy about giving our hard earned tax money away because ‘Crony Capitalism’ is alive and way too well in Idaho! Idaho’s legislature just approved funding for $7 million dollars of taxpayers’ money for a project named Clagstone Meadows, a conservation easement on about 12,000 acres near Athol, in Bonner County, given to […]
How Crazy Do the ‘Crazies’ Get? This Crazy!
Y2Y – The Government Scheme to Move You Out
It is easy to imagine thousands of Sears and K-Mart stores sprinkled across the country. It took each of these corporations over one hundred years, including many national economic downturns and corporate bankruptcy periods to reach a point that in November 2004 resulted in K-Mart acquiring Sears for a venture encompassing assets worth 11 billion […]
Obama, Hillary and leading Democrats aren’t even attempting to hide or moderate their views anymore. They are out of the closet. It’s the “Full Monty.” Or in this case, “The Full Socialist.” There’s no hiding it anymore. They are loud, proud and radical left. Democrats can’t even see “center” from their homes anymore. But it […]