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Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 55

Welcome to Volume 55 of the Gem State Patriot newsletter. This interactive newsletter allows comments and discussion and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.

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  1. 2016 Legislative Session Summary by Russ Fulcher
    Overall, it was not a fabulous session, but it certainly could have been worse. Although the 63rd legislature employed a tax & spend mentality, they mainly handled social issues in line with traditional conservative values.
  2. Legislators Can’t Resolve Medicaid Expansion by Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer
    If these representatives are not able to do the job they were elected to then it is time they resigned and allowed other more competent people to serve the citizens of Idaho.
  3. Controlling the Public with Stealth Propaganda by Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer
    Most people don’t understand how big the corporate lobbyists footprint is because all of the deals are made in the back rooms and are never exposed to the light of day.
  4. Christ Troupis Book
  5. Just what the doctor ordered – IACI’s corporate influence of medicine in Idaho by Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer
    It was only two short years ago that Governor Otter and our crony legislators paid back their campaign contributors by voting for a State Health Care Exchange.
  6. This Map is a Matter of Perspective by Rich Loudenback
    You’re either looking at America from a Canadian’s view point or America is upside down.
  7. Crony Capitalism: Thriving In Idaho – The Clagstone Meadows Rip-off by Rich Loudenback
    Idaho legislators are crazy about giving our hard earned tax money away because ‘Crony Capitalism’ is alive and way too well in Idaho!
  8. How Crazy Do the ‘Crazies’ Get? This Crazy! by Rich Loudenback
    The grand scheme to totally un-populate our Western lands called ‘Re-Wilding of the West’ will probably stun you.
  9. Dual and Dueling Economies – The American Economy and the ‘National Indian Economy’ by Elaine Willman
    No wonder Chief Justice Thomas calls federal Indian policy schizophrenic. The severe schism between the principle of equality for all, and race-based federal Indian policy is a disease now quickly spreading throughout America’s economy.
  10. Obama Is the Greatest Republican Salesman in History by Wayne Allyn Root
    Obama is a great salesman. Unfortunately for Democrats, he’s the greatest Republican salesman in history. Thank you Obama for turning America red!
  11. Why I Decided to Run for State Representative by Alan Littlejohn, Candidate for State Rep. Dist. Seat 2B
    The decision to run for the office of State Representative for District 2, Seat B, was not an easy one.
  12. Here Comes the Sun! by Amy Weasler
    A few things to consider about sunscreen and sun exposure as we move into summer.
  13. The Three Unequal Branches of Government by Robert W. Peck
    I expect we’ve all heard the phrase, “three coequal branches” used to describe the composition of our federal system of government.
  14. Three Idaho Issues for 2017 by Art Macomber
    There were major battles in the Idaho legislature in 2016, including the permitless carry bill which passed, and the continuing drive for Medicaid expansion, which failed.
  15. Where Evolution, Atheism and Science Really End Up by Jim Pearl, PhD, Geologist
    Since I was a child raised in the California Coast Ranges, I have enjoyed science, history, and learning.
  16. Freedom Foundation releases final 2016 Freedom Index scores by Wayne Hoffman
    Fulfilling its mission to hold lawmakers accountable for their votes, on Wednesday the Idaho Freedom Foundation released its final Freedom Index.
  17. 2016 Patriot Day Rally – April 19 by Boise Ben Franklin
    Ben realizes this is a Tuesday afternoon, but Patriots Day is a Historic National event and we in Idaho want to be part of it. You will not be disappointed.
  18. Strong Cities Network Plan for Globally Controlled Police by John F. McManus
    Because the enemies of freedom never sleep, the guardians of liberty must remain ever vigilant, and ever ready to combat treachery.
  19. Stupid in America: Students are so Bad, Professor Can’t Grade Them by Selwyn Duke
    What does it say when in two days a teacher exhausts the ink in his red pen? Since a nation cannot be “ignorant and free,” as Thomas Jefferson put it, it perhaps means we face a threat graver than the Red Menace.
  20. Obama’s Two-front Migration ‘Surge’ by William F. Jasper
    “Refugee Resettlement” and “Unaccompanied Minors” are presenting a double threat to our economy, our national security, and our social order.
  21. Hayden Area Tea Party’s GOP Stars “Meet & Greet” On Wed. April 20th at New Location by Rich Loudenback
    The Hayden Area Tea Party proudly announces its first “Meet and Greet” of what it considers the stars of the GOP, those with the best voting records and the most promising platforms supporting liberty, rule of law, fiscal responsibility and the pursuit of minimizing government control of our lives.
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Gem State Patriot News