John Livingston News

Truth and Facts Will Win The Day—Eventually

There is a common thread that runs through the thinking of liberals when it comes to issues as disparate as sexual harassment and Covid vaccinations. Neither deductive nor inductive constructs in logic underpin their arguments. The ideas of “due process” and the “scientific method” require a discipline in thinking and subsequent actions based on those principles […]

John Livingston News

People and Power/Sameness or Liberty

When I ask liberal progressives to point to one single policy or law that they have advocated for in the past 10 years that has made the United States stronger , better, and made life more fulfilling—they prefer the word “easier” but there is a big difference, for our citizens they immediately point to the […]

John Livingston News

Who Represents Idahoans

I am sure that I speak for thousands of Idaho Conservative Republicans in saying THANK YOU to our two Conservative Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch for voting for the $1.7Trillion “Infrastructure Bill”. I haven’t read all 2700 plus pages of the Bill but reputable conservative media outlets state that at best 25% of the […]

John Livingston News

ED (Electile Dysfunction)

I hesitate to approach this very sensitive subject. After watching the Olympics—I actually stopped watching after the second night and being surprised by many of the commercials dealing with ED, foot fungus, feminine hygiene, sleep disorders, drug addictions, chronic pain, ankylosing spondylitis, and rheumatoid arthritis, I believe I am on good grounds in discussing the […]

John Livingston News

What is Real?

I’d like to take a deep breath today and move away from discussions of masks, and vaccines, and CRT, and capital markets and reflect for a moment about how we asses data. When I was on the USS Virginia in 1976 we were the platform for the development of the Navy Tactical Data System and […]

John Livingston

No God, No Liberty

Blaise Pascal in several of his books uses the example of the holes we are all born with in our spiritual hearts. How we fill those holes and what we fill those holes with defines who we are. Holes can be filled with things like money and big houses and cars. They can be filled […]

John Livingston

Toxic Male Training for Football Players

Any resemblance that one finds to real life events is purely coincidental. This is a work of fiction. Coach Manley Mann was the head football coach of the Benewah State University (BSU) Stallions. They were a team known throughout the country for their “blue collar “work ethic. Three- star players, mentored by talented young on […]

John Livingston

Who has “SKIN IN MY GAME”?

When did employers, or government agencies become doctors? In Idaho with the changes that were made in the Professional Practices Act and the Medical Practice Act during several legislative sessions in the early two thousands is the answer. It used to be that only doctors could prescribe medicine or procedures or order a radiologic test. […]

John Livingston

Does Anybody Care?

There are several things our State Legislature and Governor could do to help all Idahoans this next legislative session. They could make food cheaper by repealing the grocery tax. They could make owning a business and owning a home or property easier for everyone but especially for those on the margins, by creating a fair […]

John Livingston


I am a Thomas Sowell groupie and fanatic. I have read every one of his books, several more than once like “ECONOMICS“. In “DISCRIMINATION AND DISPARITIES,” he points out that many times differences in performance and achievement that are attributed to discrimination and racism are the results of disparities in education or talent, but most […]

John Livingston News

Happy Fourth Faith and Reason

Larry Arnn has demonstrated in his books and public talks the idea of the march of Western Civilization through Israel, Rome and Athens, and then to Magna Carta and the age of Enlightenment through our own Declaration. I too have used a similar example when explaining why we should all feel so humble and grateful […]

John Livingston News

Render Unto Caesar, Don’t Tax our Wealth

Senator Phil Graham is the Former Chairman of the US Senate Banking Committee. Prior to going into politics he was an economics professor at Texas A&M. I follow his writings in various news outlets including the Wall Street Journal. Yesterday he wrote about the story that broke last week in ProPublica about billionaires in our […]

Gem State Patriot News