
Paul Ryan is the Reason the GOP is Losing America

I have a message for Donald Trump: DON’T CHANGE A THING. Donald, from the moment you started running for President…the biased-liberal mainstream media, government bureaucrats, career politicians, lawyers, lobbyists, establishment Republicans and various corporate CEOs- who are all in bed together- have tried to damage you, destroy you, or change you. But you stuck to […]


FreedomFest is going to be YUGE!

Political junkies and skeptics are still scratching their heads, wondering “How did this happen? How did Donald Trump take over the Republican Party?”


Hillary may not be the Democratic Nominee

I’ve predicted publicly for a year now that Hillary—although a prohibitive favorite—might never become the Democratic nominee. Don’t look now, but at this moment Hillary is still far from a sure thing to become the Democrat standard-bearer. As of days ago, she lost Oregon and barely squeaked by in Kentucky. Bernie has now won 11 of […]


Trump Isn’t Just Conservative, He’s the Most Conservative Presidential Candidate since Reagan

It’s time to clear up misconceptions, deceptions and distortions by the #NeverTrump crowd. Of course Trump is a conservative. Actually on the most important issues of the day, he’s the most conservative GOP Presidential candidate since Reagan. Keep reading- I’ll prove it to you. I’m one of you. I’m a true-blue lifelong conservative patriot. I’ve […]


Democrats – The Party of Murderers, Rapists… and Hillary

I’m that rarest of Republican—conservative. Like Donald Trump I’ve spent my life in the television, marketing and branding world. I understand how to message. And how to turn lemons to lemonade. The Democrats have handed Donald Trump the perfect TV ad to win the 2016 Presidential election. Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe just gave voting rights […]


It’s All About the Taxes, Stupid

Remember James Carville’s famous words, “It’s all about the economy, stupid.” Well Ronald Reagan proved that saving the economy from assorted America-haters, socialists, Marxists and ignorant fools (like Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama) deserves a new jingle. It’s all about the taxes, stupid. Or are you forgetting that Reagan completely reversed the worst economy since […]


Obama Is the Greatest Republican Salesman in History

Obama, Hillary and leading Democrats aren’t even attempting to hide or moderate their views anymore. They are out of the closet. It’s the “Full Monty.” Or in this case, “The Full Socialist.” There’s no hiding it anymore. They are loud, proud and radical left. Democrats can’t even see “center” from their homes anymore. But it […]


Donald Trump’s Mouth Is a Nuclear Weapon

The biased, clueless liberal mainstream media are in shock and awe. They have no idea why so many Americans love Donald Trump. But the answer is so simple and clear. Just ask any conservative.

Gem State Patriot News