Last week Jesse Wates made some very interesting comments during his monologue about all of these jobs that Biden claims he has created. His message was very clear that almost all of these jobs went to foreigners and this Biden economic boom has done little to help middle-class Americans. Even the chairman of the Fed […]
Author: Bob 'Nugie' Neugebauer
Many Idahoans are still under the impression that we are still a “Red” state when indeed we have crossed the Rubicon of liberalism in our most populated counties a long time ago. In my opinion, this change has taken place because of the universities that promote liberalism in their curriculums. This is how many conservative […]
Just when we thought we had seen and heard everything that Biden could do to change America the White House comes out and Proclaims Easter Sunday as “Transgender Visibility Day.” Â Let us enlighten you and introduce our readers to the “Three Amigos” Joe “Mumbles” Biden, Bill “Bubba” Clinton and Barack “Hope and Change” Obama. These […]
It’s the Economy, Stupid
The question for every American is “Are you better off today than you were four years ago”? As Joe Biden and his leftist lackeys drone on and lie about how good the economy is Americans are not feeling the love and many are sinking deeper into debt by the month. The middle class is suffering […]
Free speech is slowly becoming a thing of the past: as government agencies, mega media and high-tech companies like Google and Facebook do all that they can to stifle our First Amendment rights. Let’s get down to the nitty gritty on the reasons why we are dealing with this problem and how much of it […]
What I heard in the SOTU was an old man who was pumped up with drugs and deteriorating mentally shouting like an angry child who was looking for attention. This is a man who three short years ago claimed he was going to be the great uniter yet he has done nothing but divide our […]
Idahoans are being inundated with propaganda mail from many different moderate to left leaning organizations that have been helping to turn our state Blue for the past 20 years. Much of this propaganda is aimed at our duly elected Chairwoman of Idaho’s Republican Party, Dorothy Moon. We saw the same thing happen when Barry Peterson […]
This Sunday, I was listening to my pastor’s sermon and thought to myself, why is it that we are dealing daily with attacks on Christianity, and I decided to do some research to find out why this is happening. According to a PEW survey, Church attendance has been down substantially over the last 30 years […]
Assault from Within
In the past week, we have seen the ugliness of politics and how they are used to grab power and hold on to it for long periods of time. Just this past week several prominent independent journalists Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, and Alex Gutentag have released information that should shake the very foundation of our […]
Joe Biden’s Mental State is a Danger to our Country: As we end another week of political turmoil, we find our country being confronted with a President who has just about been declared incompetent by his own justice department. We all know that Joe Biden is having cognitive problems with remembering and communicating in a […]
Wars and Corruption: While we are engaged in supporting the Ukraine war with Russia we are now engaged in another war with the Houthis, Hamas, and Hezbollah all backed by Iran. Does anyone want Trump back in office? We can all thank President Biden for giving Iran all the money they need to wage this […]
Let the Games Begin
The Democrats have a little less than 11 months to flood our country with illegals and find a way to give them citizenship so they can vote in the upcoming 2024 election. If you think for one minute that this is not their ultimate goal, you have your head buried in the sand. The democratic […]