
Who the ‘Establishment’ Really Is

We must be vigilant and not give too much trust to the political parties that are so full of themselves. Pesky special interests and hidden agendas continually replace those grand proclamations of great sounding platforms. All that counts is how elected officials vote with our Constitution which has been responsible for making us the greatest […]


Syd Albright to Speak to Hayden Area Tea Party on Wed. Mar. 16th at Hayden Library

Hayden Area Tea Party Meeting on Weds, March 16th at 6:30 pm at the Hayden Library in the Conference Room. Speaker will be historian Syd Albright, the proverbial man of many talents. In his career he’s been a producer, college teacher, scuba instructor, press secretary, vice president and manager. A writer, editor and biographer his […]


Freebies? You’re Not That Stupid, Are You?

“Nothing is more sad than the death of an Illusion.” – Arthur Koestler 1905 to 1983 – Disillusioned Stalinist turned Anti-Totalitarian. The late, not so great Soviet Union’s citizens experienced a life of guarantees for all the necessities of life, meager as it was: Education, Home (make that apartment,) Job, Medical Care & Retirement. Literally […]


What Will Really Happen in a Constitutional Convention?

In this beyond highly politicized world today, who in their right mind would believe convention delegates would send the results to state legislators for endless debate and legal challenges lasting months or maybe years for such ratification? Or would you believe they would select like-minded delegates for ‘safe’ special ratifying conventions with hand-picked members, all […]


The Big Question: How Will Our ‘A’ Team Vote On TPP?

Will Senators Risch and Crapo and Congressmen Labrador and Simpson vote to retain America’s sovereignty and independent negotiating strengths or will we be surrendered to the demands of globalists. That is the question in the life or death vote for our Republic’s future awaiting their decisions on the looming Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) vote. Real […]


A Nation of Coddled Fools?

Idaho Can Regain Sovereignty America’s greatness used to be really great and today, not so much. Actually we are almost already a second world nation in global competitiveness. Remember, Thomas Jefferson said, ‘The government you elect is the government you deserve.’ The inundation of the socialists’ agenda in schools and universities, the big media and […]


How will they vote on TPP?

(Will Raul cave like Crapo, Risch & Simpson did on TPA?) There is no way to tell how Congressman Raul Labrador will vote on the upcoming deceitful Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) bill. As one of his biggest fans, I choose to believe in him and think he totally gets it and will vote nay. We […]


Term Limits vs. Unlimited Good Work

Very often someone says [essentially] that the answer to career politicians’ opportunistic abuses and violations of their public’s trust and the sacred oaths they took to our Constitution is to get rid of them rotely thru TERM LIMITS. Appreciating that frustration full well, it does feel good to vent the expression ‘get rid of them […]


Gary Hourigan to speak at Hayden area Tea Party Meeting

Gary Hourigan to speak on Common Core at Hayden area Tea Party meeting on Wednesday, January 20th at the Hayden Library Gary Hourigan spent over thirty years in the mental health field working with chronically mentally ill who were mostly outpatients, as well as in hospitals and in prisons/jails. He has seen first-hand the results of […]


REAL ID Act and the Cybersecurity Act of 2015: Looming Threats to Privacy and States’ Sovereignty

There is a full court press on currently by the Obama administration to take control of citizens like never before from warrantless surveillance to finally trying to enforce the, up till now, languishing effort to force us into a federal ID program known as REAL ID. WARRANTLESS SURVEILLANCE WAS PASSED WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE To start […]


The BBA Task Force Targets Idaho

It’s Time to Wake Up and ‘Patriot Up’ Idaho Legislators! “What good fortune for governments that men do not think.” – Adolf Hitler Idaho has been targeted with 12 other states by the shadowy originating forces behind the organizations driving to open an Article V Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) purportedly for creating a Balanced Budget Amendment […]


Thanks to John Charleston You Have a Second Chance

Authentic patriots generally will go out of their way to hear a speech by a speaker with the credentials and experience that The New American senior editor William F. Jasper gave on Dec 1st for northern Idaho and eastern Washington Americans. Those fortunate enough to attend this speech came away wishing more people could have […]

Gem State Patriot News