Opinions / Op-eds

Citizens Should be Concerned About the Rise of Corporate Lobbying in Idaho

As President Donald Trump and DOGE push for reforms at the federal level, many large corporations are shifting their influence and strategies to the state level. This shift is particularly evident in Idaho, where corporate lobbyists and industry associations are playing an increasingly dominant role in funding and influencing legislators to shape legislation. Legislation that […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Importance of Grassroots Action

Grassroots action is the heartbeat and lifeblood of political change across our country. These local efforts often spark the first waves of reform, persevere through challenges, and rarely receive the credit they deserve. Too often, national organizations swoop in, piggybacking on grassroots wins, claiming victory, and shifting the focus to their own agendas. Picture this: […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Globalism vs State Sovereignty – The Choice is yours on Tuesday!

Are you ready for Idaho to go “woke,” be forced to wear masks, get fully vaccinated and become a good global citizen? If not, I encourage you to go vote on Tuesday, May 17th, and bring 10 of your like-minded friends to do the same. Idaho is in a perfect storm and if citizens don’t […]


Rep. Heather Scott: What’s next?

Dear Idaho Residents, I attended two conference calls yesterday. One with the Idaho Governor and his staff, and one with President Trump and several of his agency staff. As you may be aware there are major financial relief efforts currently underway to pump over two trillion dollars into the US economy at all levels. Diverse […]


Handing over Idaho on a Silver Platter (Part 2)

Goals, Agendas and Policies-Exposed. Are Idaho Citizens Being Played? In PART 1 – Handing Over Idaho on a Silver Platter, I shared how Idaho is not that different from other liberal states when it comes to allowing bad policies to slip into our state laws, codes, and regulations that covertly undermine our state sovereignty. I […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Handing over Idaho on a Silver Platter

Is the State of Idaho being complacent, manipulated, or purposely implementing a plan to relinquish our State sovereignty? Idahoans are, and have always been, a different type of people. Rugged, self-sufficient, and independent, we love our beautiful state and believe it is the best place in the country to live. We believe in law and […]


The Truth About the Meningococcal (MenACWY) Vaccine and Your Child

Last week in the Idaho House Health and Welfare Committee, after much debate and controversy, an administrative rule was passed by a 7-6 vote to mandate 12th-grade high school students receive the Meningococcal vaccine. This rule is not required to be heard or debated by the entire body of the Idaho House or Senate and […]


Conservatives Fight for Right to Read Bills before Voting on Them

The Final Weeks of the 2017 Legislative Session and Bill Reading in the House It is sad to report that the House continues to operate in the status quo of “never enough time to do it right but always time to do it over”. As the tentative March 24th session deadline drew closer, there was […]


Idaho Legislators Visit Burns Oregon

Idaho State Representatives Judy Boyle, Heather Scott, and Sage Dixon were among a group of western state legislators who traveled to Burns, Oregon last Saturday (January 8, 2016) on a fact finding mission. We were among a selected group of state legislators invited by an Oregon legislator because of our commitment to liberty, freedom and […]


Idaho’s Administrative Rules

Administrative Rules are rules (or Idaho Code) written by bureaucrats and government agencies (Executive Departments) throughout the year that will be presented, reviewed and approved by the Idaho Legislature at the beginning of every session. Once approved, these Administrative Rules will have the full force of law. Administrative Rules are a big part of how […]


Idaho Legislative Update from Rep. Heather Scott

While many of us are enjoying a wonderful fall, bureaucrats and lobbyists are busy drafting more rules, fees and regulations that they hope will slip by without much citizen input or opposition.


Rules and Regulations in Idaho

Are you concerned with the growth of government and the never ending stream of new fees and regulations controlling your work and personal life? If so, I encourage you to continue reading to learn what you can actually do about it. Here is an important overlooked method you the Idaho citizen can be involved in […]

Gem State Patriot News