John Livingston News

Drain the Swamp

In today’s Wall Street Journal Admiral William McRaven—the former head of the Navy Seals endorsed Joe Biden for President, Like John McCain, Colin Powell, and other warrior politicians that have come before him, the good Admiral’s service should be respected, but the attempt to leverage and then insert their service into a public policy or […]

John Livingston News

A Toast to Donald Trump

President Donald Trump has condemned racism, white supremacy, bigotry, sexism, “and all and any forms of hatred” more than any other President in history. And anyone who desires can prove it. Like Abraham Lincoln and unlike most modern day politicians President Trump renounced all forms of hatred before he ever entered into politics. Unlike Lincoln, […]

John Livingston News

We Feed Them

By now everybody has seen or heard the CNN interview between Nancy Pelosi and Wolf Blitzer. In the last few lines that I reference below you can begin to understand everything about their warped and self- centered concepts of philosophical agency, charity, and their own positions as they relate to those unfortunate amongst us who […]

John Livingston News

On the Pope and Capitalism

I have been asked to comment on Pope Francis’ latest encyclical letter, FRATELLI TUTTI, or Brothers All. Before starting, let me say that I am a lay Catholic. I have not reviewed my thoughts with a priest or a bishop of my church. I have not received formal training as a catechist or as an […]

John Livingston News

Where to Begin a Discussion

Make no mistake about it the people rioting, looting, killing in our streets are supported by those in the progressive liberal Democratic movement including local mayors and DA’s. Nobody in the streets, including white snowflake country club millennial women confronting and shouting at policeman who are sworn to support the laws of our country and […]

John Livingston News

Liberty and Science

When I arrived on the Wittenberg College Campus in the summer of 1969 for 6 weeks of two a day football practices, my football coach was my assigned academic adviser—Davie Mauer who was, along with his mentor and predecessor Bill Edwards later admitted into the College Football Hall of Fame. Both coaches were incredible men […]

John Livingston News

The Eye of the Beholder

My Quaker Grandmother always advised us to remember that every person you see and know as you go through the day is secretly carrying an unknown cross and you have no idea what that burden may be, The crosses we bare come from the individual experiences in our lives and can be shaped from experiences in […]

John Livingston News

Looking for Accountability

CFAC Meeting Sept. 25, 2020 Madam Chairwomen and members of The CFAC Committee: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to testify before your committee several weeks ago. When I reviewed the Agenda for your Friday meeting, I was also reminded of a Wall Street Journal article that appeared last Monday on page A-3 written […]

John Livingston News

Not Woke

Here’s what Black Lives Matter explicitly says about itself on its own website: “We do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege. We build a space that is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered. We dismantle patriarchal practice, we disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure, we foster a queer-affirming network […]

John Livingston News

Deep Pockets – Triangular Financing

As we slowly emerge from the Covid pandemic of 2020 there will be plenty of “Monday morning quarterbacks” that will in retrospect imply that things were done wrong and that they could have done better. I am reminded of Teddy Roosevelt’s famous MAN IN THE ARENA QUOTE: “It is not the critic who counts; not […]

John Livingston News

Only You Can Make You a Victim

Diversity trainer, Community Organizer, Critical Race Theorist I have changed my Linked In and military designator job descriptions from retired surgeon, physician, and Naval Officer to CODT/CRT. Everyone wants to be a community organizer since that most famous of community organizers Barak Hussein Obama became President of the United States. Seems like a great gig. […]

John Livingston News

We Pay our Dues in Perpetuity

Today should be one of the happiest days of the year because NFL football begins tonight. I don’t even know who is playing and I won’t watch the game—not just tonight but every game for the rest of the year. The politicization of sport and the capitulation of the “privileged class” of athletes and owners to […]

Gem State Patriot News