Opinions / Op-eds

In response to the Governor’s State of the State Address

Like many of you, I watched Governor Brad Little’s State of the State address this afternoon hoping to hear him promote smaller government and fiscal responsibility, values that conservative Republicans hold dear. I regret to say that I was left mostly disappointed. Governor Little began his speech with how Idaho has become one of the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Idaho GOP is Growing, as Conservative Idahoans Embrace Message of Faith, Family, and Freedom

The Idaho Republican Party held its 2024 Winter Meeting last weekend at Harvest Church in Meridian. I am proud to say it was one of the best run meetings I’ve ever had the pleasure of attending. The Rules and Resolutions Committees worked hard into Friday night, and their work paid off when the State Central […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Turning to a Convention of States in Times of National Crisis Not the Answer

Our country is in a rough place right now, perhaps the worst since the Civil War. Spending is out of control, our southern border is wide open, and Congress seems to be unable (or unwilling) to rein in the deep state swamp. What can we do to save this country we all love? Some look […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Celebrating Remarkable Achievements: Idaho GOP Unites for a Year of Success and Accomplishment

As Chairwoman, I am so proud of what the Idaho GOP has accomplished this year. Republican legislators, elected officials, members of the State Central Committee, staff, and volunteers all pulled together to make this year a resounding success. When I was elected Chair of the Idaho Republican Party, I promised that we would lead on […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Idaho GOP welcomes conservatives flocking to Idaho from left-wing states, unifying voices for freedom and liberty

No matter how long you have been here, we can work together to save Idaho Did you hear the news? Most of the people moving to Idaho are conservative Republicans. Thousands of families have watched left wing policies destroy beautiful states like California, Washington, Oregon, and Colorado and have come here to escape encroaching socialism […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Idaho Republican Party gears up for a vibrant showdown!

Six Presidential hopefuls file their candidacy for the 2024 Presidential Caucus We are proud to announce that six candidates for President have filed for the Idaho Republican Caucus. On Saturday, March 2, 2024, Republican voters throughout our great state will gather in churches, schools, and community halls to hear from the candidates and decide which […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Pocatello gives drag queen story time an award for ‘Human and Civil Rights’

While Completely Ignoring Concerns from Parents over Child Exposure to Gender Confusion! They tell us it’s not happening in Idaho. They also tell us it’s a good thing that it is. Earlier this week, the City of Pocatello honored a drag queen story time group with their “Human and Civil Rights” award. They specifically lauded […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Gratitude and Resolve: Idaho GOP Thanksgiving Blessings, Pledge to Preserve Faith, Family, and Freedom

160 years ago, as our country was embroiled in a tragic and bloody civil war, President Abraham Lincoln called upon Americans to give thanks to God for the blessings of liberty they yet enjoyed. He invited his fellow citizens to “…observe the last Thursday of November next as a Day of Thanksgiving and Praise to […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Idaho GOP Gears Up for Historic 2024 Presidential Caucus

Statewide Preparation Promises a Memorable Event on March 2nd! The Idaho Republican Party has made incredible strides in the last few months as we gear up for the 2024 Presidential Nominating Caucus. Our staff have traversed the entire state, working to equip every county and district committee with the tools they need to host a […]

Opinions / Op-eds

We have a Republic, if we can keep it

Everyone complains about politics, but how many of us actually do anything about it? Voter turnout this past week was high in some counties, but still represented less than half of registered voters. Why is there such apathy toward the political process? Politics has a bad reputation. You can’t go a week without some leftist […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Government is designed to answer to the people

After three weeks of deliberation, negotiation, and nominations, in which conservative and moderate candidates were elevated and then rejected, every House Republican voted to elect Mike Johnson of Louisiana as the 56th Speaker of the House on Wednesday afternoon. This is what our republican system of government is supposed to look like. The American people […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Local Elections Matter Most

It’s election season yet again. Early voting starts on October 23rd, leading up to Election Day on November 7th. There are many important races on the ballot this year, so make a plan to go vote! Races for mayor, city council, school board, and other municipal offices are technically nonpartisan, so you won’t see party […]

Gem State Patriot News