I have written several articles locally on school choice in North Idaho; The CDA Press had another column by the esteemed Jim Jones who, in his own mind, is an expert on everything. He is the same person four years ago said that Ivermectin was just “horse paste” in a column. Of course we know […]
Author: Bob Shillingstad
Teacher’s, Take A Stand!
Time To Break Away From The Union! There has been an agenda by the National Education Association and its state affiliates that includes a redefinition of education. They want to radically change society and are opposed to an education system that honors family, instills patriotism and teaches our history and government in an attempt to […]
The Teachers Union and the Fight for Education The fight for sanity and common sense in our elections is going to start at the local level. There are many great teachers who have been called to teach children but are trapped by a union (Idaho Education Association) that they have nothing in common with. Their […]
The Teachers Union and the Fight for Education Alex Newman has written several books about the effects of the National Education Association and by affiliation the Idaho Education Association. His description states, “Through the deliberate dumbing down and conditioning of children in government schools, the forces of evil have radicalized youth to hate God, family […]
Jews Blessed America
Setting History Straight! It has been unbelievable and disheartening to see the Anti-Semitic demonstrations against Israel and the Jews across the world and particularly in America. At the time of the American Revolution, there were at least five synagogues in the colonies and most of the Jews were patriots supporting the revolution. Why would they […]
Some interesting information was released over the last month that shed light on school board races and the new landscape facing education. The so-called Covid pandemic that closed the majority of schools beginning in 2020 was the catalyst for revolt and change but the reasons were much deeper than that. Parents showed up en-masse at […]
Congressman Simpson has been in Congress from Idaho for the past 24 years and that “magic R” after his name has kept in office along with campaign contributions from the corporate interests. He spent 14 years prior to this in the Idaho House of Representatives so for nearly 40 years he has been living at […]
Understanding The Conflict
We are hearing a revised history not based on fact. Anti-Semitic sentiment has infiltrated many American churches, both Mainline Protestant and Catholic, with leakage starting to seep into Evangelical churches too … allegedly as part of promoting “social justice,” “anti-racism,” and (lately) “decolonization.” That last one is just a fancy word for ethnic cleansing, aimed […]
Crazy Times!
Knowing The Time We Are Living In Do you ever go to bed at night and think that the world is nuts? Do you ever wonder why this is happening? The Bible has hundreds of prophecies that foretell future events, and many people are opening up the Bible to get answers. Jesus fulfilled at least […]
Who will control government-sponsored education going forward? There are school board trustee elections across the State of Idaho and the patriots running for office need to be educated about the teacher’s union and their agenda. “It is reasonable and appropriate for curriculum to be informed by academic frameworks for understanding and interpreting the impact of […]
As we celebrate the 4th of July and thank God for His hand upon our country and the freedom that we enjoy we need to remind ourselves of the sacrifices made by those first patriots. Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured […]
The Power of One Person
We The Patriots USA Conference Last weekend Jane and I attended the National Conference of “We The Patriots USA” in Boise with several hundred fellow patriots. This organization has moved their headquarters from Connecticut to the Boise area to escape as other refugees have done moving out of the coastal areas. It was a great […]