Bob's Words of Wisdom

History in the Making

The left calls them the Dictator and the Hillbilly, but it doesn’t matter what they call them — they may have to live with both these gentlemen, who could run the table to run this country for the next 12 years!

The Trump train is rolling and with JD Vance now on board as his number two guy and now it looks like the left are calling them a populist movement. Well, we did some research on just what a populist movement is and found many different definitions. The basic characteristics of populism are often found in other ideologies, such as nationalism, classical liberalism, or socialism. Populists can be found anywhere along the political spectrum allowing for both conservative and liberal populism. Unfortunately, the leftist media is going to make up its own definition and make sure they sell their propaganda to the uninformed public.

In the case of the current presidential election, I would describe Trump’s populism movement as a battle between the morally good “people” and a corrupt and self-serving group of conspiring “elites.” If we go back to Donald Trump’s inaugural address of 2017 you might remember these words “For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.” I ask you all to think back on Trump’s 4 years as president working for a better economy to help all economic groups to a better life. Then think about the almost 4 years we have had with Biden and company at the helm and how we have all suffered economically except for the elites.

It doesn’t matter what you call this movement that is happening in America it is a whole heck of a lot better than what we have been enduring under Sleepy Joe. Trump is a true leader and is willing to fight for the people who he was elected to govern unlike so many of the phony politicians who pretend to help us but only help themselves. I think that most Americans saw for themselves in last week’s assassination attempt that Trump is a fighter and is not going to give up even under fire. Keep in mind he doesn’t need this job and could be playing 18 holes of golf every day but has seen the left’s determination to undermine our social and religious values with their DEI, Critical Race Theory, and Transgenderism. He genuinely cares about the American people and is willing to put his life on the line to make our country great again. His speech at the RNC convention showed once more that he is willing to lead our country to a better place, not with just words but with actions that will make our country great again. He has a plan and if elected he has the people who will implement it. This will not be a rerun of his last four years indeed he has learned the tricks of the left and will be ready to remove all of the bureaucrats who may stand in his way of turning this country around.

Christ Troupis Book

As I’m writing this Joe Biden has stepped down from running for a second term and has endorsed Kamala Harris for President. Once again the Democrats will have an incompetent candidate running in the election. This should be great news for republicans now that they know who will be Trump’s opponent. The question is will the Republicans fight legally to keep Kamala off the ballot in certain states?

Lots of questions and not many answers, but you can be sure that the media propaganda machine will be running overtime to give everyone the good news that Cackling Kamala is their choice for president. What should worry all Americans is that we have an incompetent who will still be our president until January 20, 2025, and this continues to put our country in jeopardy as long as Biden does not step down.

The question is if Biden can’t run how is he able to fulfill his duties as our chief executive? This question will inevitably come up and Biden will most likely have to resign which will put Kamala in charge. One thing that will not surprise me is if Biden quietly pardons his son Hunter before he steps off the throne.

Certainly, this anointing of Kamala by Biden will cause much consternation with the democrats as for the most part the Dem leaders did not want to have Kamala heading the ticket but would rather have an open convention. I do believe that many in the hierarchy of the democratic party are greatly concerned that they will not be able to control Kamala like they did Joe Biden. Kamala is an opportunist and will go along with whoever and whatever will advance her position. The Joe Biden Circus and his policies will continue under Kamala, so while the Democrats have a new candidate they don’t have any real changes in their policies and that is where this election will be won. We know what Trump’s policies are and what they did to make America great again during his first four years. Even though he has a big mess to clean up left by Biden and now Kamala I believe his policies will continue to benefit all Americans should he be reelected in November. While Kamala may be a new face the wacky policies of the democratic machine will continue and that will lead to their downfall.

Remember folks the democrats and the corporate media have lied to the American public for the past 3 ½ years about Biden’s competency and this will go down as the greatest political scam in U.S. history. Please make sure you vote early so we can reelect former President Trump on November 5th!

“We Get the Government We Deserve”

Photo courtesy of Bryan Smith

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6 replies on “History in the Making”

It was Biden who started out his Presidency spewing out Executive Orders dictator-style; imprisoning dissidents in violation of Bill of Rights guarantees; infringing on the 2nd and 1st Amendment. But whatever they choose to call POTUS Trump & J.D. Vance, it has to be much better than the Bonehead and the Bimbo. POTUS Trump was ELECTED. Biden the Questionable was SELECTED. That right there makes all the difference in the world.

That America has the government she deserves couldn’t be more true!

Being America has rejected Yahweh, God of the Bible, as her Sovereign and thus His moral law as supreme, she deserves whoever it is God chooses to rule over them now and into the future until she repents.

“This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the *basest of men.*” (Daniel 4:17)

There have been a number of people claiming that Trump was protected by the angels of God and/or God Himself regarding the recent assassination attempt upon his life. For example, Pastor John Locke posted the following: “Today, the entire world saw a dispatch of Angelic protection from The LORD.”

God is indeed sovereign over everything that occurs in heaven and on earth. However, it’s of paramount importance to ask and answer correctly to what end was Trump protected?

Has Trump been raised up as someone who’s going to help save America from the precipice upon which she precipitously teeters?

Or, has Trump been raised up as part of God’s judgment upon what’s become a very wicked nation, per, for example, Daniel 4:17?

The answer’s certainly not found in Option #1.

Although, Trump is the better option for some temporary fixes, ultimately, no man who promotes the biblically seditious Constitution (responsible for all of America’s woes) as the supreme law of the land is going to be used to save America from the precipice.

Consequently, the only option remaining is Option #2.

1787/1788, with the creation and adoption, of the Constitution, marks the official commencement of America’s suicidal trek to the precipice.

For evidence, see free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective,” in which every Article and Amendment is examined by the Bible, at bible versus constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Book page.

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”

Guys, what planet are you on? TRUMP IS NOT GOING TO BE PRESIDENT. We all watched him win last time by a landslide, and woke up the next morning with the media announcing Biden as president with the results in all the swing states reversed from what happened on election night. The country has been overthrown and there is no solution that doesn’t involve violence. What will it take all you beta males to understand this. They could take your wives away right in front of you and you would just stand there.

Well, you do have a point. And the closer this corrupt, syphilitic-thinking country gets to November 5th, the Alinsky’s acolytes, the fellow travelers of the Marxist-Infanticide Party and their Orcs and Orcettes who carry badges and guns, or wear camouflage carry M-4s, or sit black-robed on The Bench, will ramp up their own brand of violence, intimidation, martial law, and lawfare. So, tell me Andrea: Who will bell the cat?

you may want to read the quite complete, detailed, documented history of J D Vance, the people that financed his political career, and the history of Thiel, Schmidt and the others that own him, as compiled by Whitney Webb, author of One Nation Under Blackmail. Be prepared for a lot of detail.

Another well written article, Bob. Thank you, Sir. Simply put , Freedom verses Tyranny. President Trump = freedom.Any leftist= Tyranny. Vote for President Trump.

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