Opinions / Op-eds

Vote No on Proposition 1 & Oppose Wind Turbines

VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 1 to OPPOSE RANK CHOICE VOTING (RCV). Proposition 1 includes restoring an open Republican Primary where Democrats cross over and vote for the most liberal Republicans. The Republicans should choose their candidates and the Democrats should choose their candidates for the general election. RCV will allow crossover voting!

The legislature passed a bill in 2023 against RCV. Democrats and liberals have deceptively gathered signatures to get RCV on the November ballot. RCV is the way Democrats and liberals get elected deceptively against the will of the people. RCV eliminates “one person, one vote.”

It eliminates transparency and ballot accountability. RCV is confusing and complicated, and prone to errors and fraud. RCV actually decreases voter turnout by making voting more complex. With RCV your ballot can be thrown out and your vote not counted at all!

No wind turbines should be built. The BLM is moving forward with the Lava Ridge Wind Farm Project despite almost 100% opposition not only in the Magic Valley but the entire state. All Idaho US Senators and Representatives, Governor Little, Lt. Governor Bedke, all Magic Valley County Commissioners, and all 105 Idaho State legislators voted against Lava Ridge Turbines.

The BLM’s latest proposal is for 241 wind turbines down from the 400 originally proposed. If the supposed goal of wind and solar is to reduce Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere from Fossil Fuel use, then wind and solar fail. Getting raw materials, manufacturing, transportation from China and installation creates more CO2 than just using Coal and Natural Gas in the first place. Both require a 24/7 backup with Natural Gas. *

Remember, if the atmosphere of the Earth is represented by a 100,000-seat football stadium, then CO2 at 420 PPM would only occupy 42 seats. It is a lie and it is impossible for CO2 from fossil fuels to kill the Earth. We need to drill, drill, drill, and expose the big LIE!

The globalists’ agenda is to control all human activity, destroy our economy, and redistribute our wealth. There are so many negatives against Wind Turbines. NONE should be allowed.


Spring Favorites

One reply on “Vote No on Proposition 1 & Oppose Wind Turbines”

Utah has the right idea in that it challenging the Federal ownership of BLM lands within its boundaries. Idaho should do the same. the retention of such lands in federal ownership cannot be defended constitutionally. Unwanted wind turbines would no occur under Idaho management and in a related matter the Sage Grouse issue would be readily resolved..

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