Bob's Words of Wisdom

Unbridled Immigration is the Narrative – What is the Goal?

As the flow of illegal immigrants continues to inundate our country and its resources the question remains what is the goal of Joe Biden and the Democrats allowing this invasion to take place? We all understand that the Democrats are looking to give these illegals formal citizenship at some point in time so they can sway the vote in their favor but is this the real reason for allowing this huge influx or do they have more sinister motives?

We should all understand that throughout history, tyranny started with governmental restrictions being placed on the populace to control the outcome of elections. Just recall the 2020 presidential and 2022 midterm elections and the mail in voting that took place which gave a much different outcome than the much-predicted Red Wave and Trump win. “The Narrative” at that time was the danger of contracting Covid 19 while the goal was to change the outcome of the 2020 elections through mail in voting. We should all remember the State of emergency that was implemented nationally and by many individual states.

Along with these edicts for an emergency came draconian rules ordering residents of many states to shelter in their homes, while schools were closed and businesses were shutdown that were considered nonessential. Millions of Americans were afraid to venture out to vote while state governments circumvented their own constitutional laws by instituting mail in voting. This switch to mail in voting afforded the perfect opportunity for fraudulent mail in ballots. Cheating was the order of the day as many discrepancies arose from ballot counting to discrepancies with unsecured ballot drop boxes. In the infamous words of Rham Emanuel “Never let a crisis go to waste”. The democrats took full advantage of this one with the help of the CDC which declared that many would die especially the elderly and mail in voting was the goal.

We need to start reading history backwards and understand the toolkit of “Tyranny” and how it might be implemented in the 2024 elections. Acts of tyranny almost always take place in times of crisis so you just need to know your history. Would anyone be surprised if we had another national emergency that would require mail in voting or restrict movements of citizens because of a declared State of emergency or a declaration of Martial Law that could affect the outcome of the 24 elections? Will we find our country under yet another national emergency which was the tool of choice used to affect the outcome of the last two elections. Will we see the suspension of our freedoms as the first step to permit the Democrats to game the voting once again by mail as they did in 2020 to keep control of the White House? Will we wake up the day after this important election without the ability to check the vote and count the ballots or will those who protest and ask for a count be called domestic terrorists and face being arrested?

Christ Troupis Book

Think about the possible scenarios that the deep state government could implement with the use of false flags and threats of terrorism because of the many potential terrorists that they have permitted to slip by our border check points. We are just now beginning to understand what happened on Jan 6th with the revelations of the video footage now being aired for all to see. These video’s prove that the J6 committee was nothing more than a sham run to set the stage for claiming that an insurrection took place. This was nothing more than a disorderly disruption which was aggravated by aggressive police tactics when you compare it to the riots that took place in 2020 in major cities causing billions in destruction to private property. The FBI has not yet explained why agents were in the crowd or how many were in attendance at the capital that day. The big question still remains, why didn’t Pelosi or Washington’s mayor refuse to accept Donald Trump’s offer to call out the National Guard. Could it be that they wanted a disruption but were concerned that it would be difficult to create a feeling of a chaotic Insurrection with the National Guard present?

There have been literally tens of thousands of young men of military age who have crossed into the U.S. illegally and we have no idea if any of them or for that matter if all of them are potential terrorists. It was only a couple of weeks ago that I wrote about how Democratic Senator Dick Durbin sending out a trial balloon to enlist these young illegals in our military as a way for them to gain U.S. citizenship. I wonder how many Americans would accept that idea after seeing our government discharge so many of our military for not taking the Covid vaccine. The very idea of Drubin’s suggestion tells you how far the democrats are willing to go to hold on to power. imagine 20 or 30 thousand illegals who have literally no allegiance to America, or our values being armed with the best military weapons and having Joe Biden declare martial law. Talk about a Third World Country scenario: this would be a total disaster.

The Democrats know that it will be impossible to get these illegals to be accepted as citizens while we still have a republican house but who knows what will happen if we have a repeat of the last two. I have said before that these 24 elections are for all the marbles and you can bet that cheating will be the order of the day. Just look at the unprecedented lawsuits being filed in liberal states to stop President Trump from being on the ballot for the primary elections. States that have no jurisdiction in national elections that are in the federal ballpark but yet we still have states trying to keep him from being on the ballot. Thankfully this issue is now in the hands of the Supreme Court which should be making a ruling in early January.

America is teetering at the edge of a cliff, and it would not take much to push us off into the great abyss of socialism. I didn’t move to the mountains of New Meadows 4 years ago just for the fresh air and the open spaces. I moved because I saw some serious problems in our state with the election of Republicans who vote like democrats that will eventually reshape the Treasure Valley politically. We are living in dangerous times and there are desperate people who would like to change our country. It is time for us all to be vigilant and aware of what is happening around us, especially with so many unaccounted-for illegals roaming our streets. Does anyone find it interesting that the major corporations are not complaining about this invasion of our southern border? Corporations are a big part of the problem, just look at how many of them are members and supporters of the World Economic Forum. Don’t believe me? Take a look at the list of 100 leading companies from around the world that are strategic partners with the WEF many that are household names.

We have all seen how our government agencies like the DOJ and FBI have been weaponized against President Trump so I ask you what would stop them from weaponizing against the people who pay their salaries? We have seen what they have done to the J6 participants and their venture into spying on Catholics. Don’t think for a minute that those same agencies can’t be weaponized against anyone that the DOJ designates as a possible enemy of the state. Heck, they are still using social media to continue censoring conservatives and along with the liberal media will continue to use it to stay in control of the Narrative. We continue to be sitting ducks in a pond swarming with socialist alligators just waiting to have a feast taking away our freedoms.

You will not read anything about this possibility of a national emergency from the liberal media as they are the ones who would be cheering an event like this on. We no longer have a credible media in America. Only 3% of journalists are Republican today down from 18% in 2000 so it is not hard to understand why they are so biased against conservatives and republicans. We can only hope and pray that this turmoil ends with the election of Donald Trump but I fear that the left has only started to put up roadblocks to his becoming the 47th president of the United States. So as we enter a new year all I can say is hang on and fasten your seat belts because I see a rough ride for us in this next year. “We Get the Government We Deserve”.

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