Opinions / Op-eds

Thank You, Attorney General Raul Labrador

It is sometimes easy to write about all the issues elected officials get wrong by not stopping the tremendous damage being done to our state, and country.

However, this time a tremendous thanks is owed to Attorney General Raul Labrador for joining twenty four state attorney generals and objecting to a Securities and Exchange Commission proposed rule change titled Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change To Amend the NYSE Listed Company Manual To Adopt Listing Standards for Natural Asset Companies,” 88 Fed Reg. 68,811 (October 4, 2023).

Essentially, this rule would have authorized the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to list Natural Asset Companies (NAC) on its exchange. As a result of the attorney generals letters, and other opposing parties, the NYSE withdrew this proposal.

The leadership shown by these attorney generals is so desperately needed in all bodies of our government, the willingness to stand up and voice objection to not only an unlawful move by the federal government, but also protecting the rights of citizens.

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