Update from the Gem County Tea Party COMMUNITY GAS FORUM Tuesday, June 9, at Carberry School Gym 1950 E. 12th St At Substation, Emmett, 6:30 PM. Learn about your property rights.
Oil and Gas Forum – Gem County

Update from the Gem County Tea Party COMMUNITY GAS FORUM Tuesday, June 9, at Carberry School Gym 1950 E. 12th St At Substation, Emmett, 6:30 PM. Learn about your property rights.
Welcome to the new, web-based Gem State Patriot newsletter. Instead of a single PDF file, this newsletter is interactive, allows comments and discussion, and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.
UPDATE: The NRA has endorsed Capt. Randy Folwell for Ada County Sheriff Will there be a new Sheriff in town? Captain Randy Folwell retired from the Ada County Sheriff’s office in 2011, he is 65 years of age and believes he has a lot more to offer in service to the people of Ada County. […]
I received a call late last week from Senator Steve Vick asking me if I would be available to substitute for him at the upcoming extraordinary session of the Idaho Legislature. I told him I would be honored to serve and offered my condolences for the situation that would prevent him from attending.
Having been born in 1953, World War II was still fresh in the memory of most. The aftermath had brought us face to face with the threat of communism, the Korean War, Russia, Communist China, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Practicing “duck and cover” drills are still fresh in my mind. Students even had to […]
Reality Today Includes Trade-offs In the ‘perfect world’ expounded on endlessly from utopian progressives who control the media, Hollywood and the sorry socialist education system to which we’ve been subjugated, they are constantly demanding fairness, assistance, social justice and re-distribution. They do not want you to acknowledge the trade-offs for all their purported goodness and […]
— Reprinted with Permission of The New American magazine — President Obama is surreptitiously using federalism to kill federalism. He will not sit idly by waiting for Congress to act, rather he will actively exert immense influence on state and local governments to carry out his commitment to top-down control of every aspect of human […]
— Reprinted with Permission of The John Birch Society — On April 16 Senate Finance and House Ways and Means committees introduced Trade Promotion Authority bill. On April 16, a new Trade Promotion Authority bill was unveiled by the Senate Finance Committee and House Ways and Means Committee. These committees are expected to expedite this […]
Hillary Clinton’s transgressions are well documented. The level of lies, fraud, and cover-up is legendary. Yet, the left has continued to absolve Mrs. Clinton, writing off her offenses as the result of common human error. Most folks would be in prison for those “errors.” But, the left is so desperate to field a viable presidential […]
Don’t miss out! There’s still time to register!
Wednesday, June 17th 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM — Registration 4:45 PM – 5:15 PM — Orientation 5:30 PM – 6:45 PM — Dinner, Joe’s Crab Shack (next to hotel) 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM — Kris Anne Hall, Founding Docs (Riverside Hotel) 8:30 PM – 9:00 PM — Meet and mix (Riverside Hotel) 9:15 PM — […]
— This article was originally posted on entrepreneur.com and was written by KIM LACHANCE SHANDROW — When 15-year-old Erik Finman turned a $1,000 Easter gift from his grandma into $100,000 after cashing in on his Bitcoin investment, he wasn’t all like Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece. He was all business.