
Official Idaho Republican Party Statement on Constitutional Amendment SJR 102

In Great Britain, the king could control when Parliament could meet and when it could be dissolved. Our Founding Fathers knew British history, and they knew that no king or executive should be able to choose when the People’s representatives could meet. They gave Congress the power to meet without the President’s consent. Unfortunately, Idaho […]

Opinions / Op-eds

What SJR 102 would do for Idaho and why it’s on your ballot

If Idaho’s framers wanted the governor to write laws and spend Idahoans’ money, they would have written those responsibilities into the Idaho Constitution—but they didn’t. Indeed, a major virtue of Idaho’s government is how it separates the executive and legislative branches with the principle of the Legislature as the law-writing and appropriating branch, and the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

OP-ED from Idaho Freedom PAC – Protect freedom: Vote yes on SJR 102

Imagine for a moment that an emergency comes up in Idaho. The governor of the state decides to wield unilateral power — to shut down the state’s economy, change laws with the stroke of a pen, and even appropriate millions of dollars from the federal government.  Imagine also that some local government agencies — cities, […]

Gem State Patriot News