Opinions / Op-eds

Lessons Learned

Wisdom is the thing you get right after you need it. At the recent Kootenai County Republican Town Hall, we got played. Agitators successfully manipulated the situation to fit their narrative. Looking back, it’s clear it was a planned, practiced, and coordinated effort. President Trump posted: “Paid ‘troublemakers’ are attending Republican Town Hall Meetings. It’s […]

Opinions / Op-eds

WARNING! New Portland Ahead

“So what do we do if someone is unruly and interrupts the meeting?” “Ask them to be quiet.” “What if they won’t be quiet?” “Take a recess to deescalate the situation.” “What if they continue after the recess?” “Reschedule the meeting for another time.”  “Would you remove a person disturbing the peace?” “Under no circumstances […]


Trucker Convoys

Anyone not aware of the trucker convoy in Canada must have spent the past week hiding under a log. The convoy left Vancouver, Canada headed to Ottawa, the capital of Canada. The truckers arrived last weekend. The truckers hope to be able to visit with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and to convince the government to […]

John Livingston News

We Pay our Dues in Perpetuity

Today should be one of the happiest days of the year because NFL football begins tonight. I don’t even know who is playing and I won’t watch the game—not just tonight but every game for the rest of the year. The politicization of sport and the capitulation of the “privileged class” of athletes and owners to […]


Evil Unchecked

What is really going on in Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, New York, and other cities hit by radical protests? What is it really all about? It’s all about evil. John Milton understood evil. He understood it so well that he made Satan, not Man, the most interesting character in Paradise Lost (1667). What he recorded of […]

John Livingston News

‘Summer of Love’ Capitol Hill Appeasement Zone ‘Fake News’

‘A Letter to our Friends Living in CHAZ’ As you know, I always try to make a negative into a positive. Lynn and I so miss your family and we really want to watch those boys grow up and be part of their lives. So in light of the recent news about the social unrest […]

John Livingston News

Hate Rage and False Narratives

We should all be outraged by the senseless deaths of human beings. Many of us including me became physically ill when we watched the video of George Floyd being strangled to death by a psychopathic killer while three other fellow policemen stood by and did nothing. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Absolutely. This morning I […]

John Livingston News

Please, No Knee, Mr. Brees

I have become increasingly concerned over the past week about the ritualistic and almost religious nature of the actions of the “Black Lives Matter”(BLM) and ANTIFA movement. CNN showed a video of a white lady being ordered to her knees and coerced into confessing her sin of “white privilege”. Social media has been deluged with […]


The Left’s Next Step Is Open Violence Against Conservatives

— Published with Permission of — A number of conservative women have faced harassment because of their support of President Trump and because of what the Leftist media would like America to believe is a grassroots backlash toward the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy at the border. Over the course of the past week, White […]


Culture Wars Part 1: Is The Left Losing Ground?

— Published with Permission of — Editor’s Note: This is the first in a three-part series on the culture war in America. You have heard it said many times: the left is winning the culture war. It is something you hear from both liberals and conservatives. It is not an unreasonable supposition – the […]


Stop Paid Anarchists by Cutting off the Head

Almost nothing infuriates us more than having something blatantly stolen from us. Like having our peaceful existence and freedoms stolen from us by young street violent anarchist thugs who are in our face interrupting our natural and lawful rights and breaking things. Even worse than the anarchists’ violations of our liberties and damaging our property […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Student Protest against Betsy DeVos is a Product of Apathetic Parents

The student protest against Betsy DeVos at the capitol yesterday is nothing more than a product of their parents allowing our education system to be taken over by the government many years ago. Education used to be run locally in a time when parents used to belong to the PTA and attend school board meetings […]

Gem State Patriot News