John Livingston

Run Toward Danger

The focus on almost everyone across the nation including Idaho is on the November Presidential and down ballot elections that are less than 80 days away. Concerns about election fraud and malfeasance in the collection and counting of ballots are in my opinion real and are of great concern. There is no question in my […]

John Livingston

Perspective and Context

I was asked last week to present my thoughts about a group of former military service members who came out against Donald Trump because of some disparaging remarks he made about military service in Viet Nam 50 years ago. The point of my words was that what is most important is not what a bunch […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Memorial Day – Remembering America’s Fallen Heroes

“Freedom is not Free.” ~ Ronald Reagan Memorial Day is seen by millions of Americans across our nation as the official start of summer, and is frequently celebrated by many with barbecues, family get-togethers, gatherings with friends, and enjoyment of outdoor activities. In other cases, it is just an extended weekend, yet another holiday that […]

John Livingston

The Projection of Power and Information

One of the things I learned early in the military was that decision makers—Generals and Admirals, are only as good as the information they use as a predicate for their actions and decisions. The good ones understand the “power of information”, but most importantly the power of information in controlling a narrative. The bad ones—and […]

John Livingston

The Codes of our Lives

I want to write something a little different this week and I hope it is uplifting and maybe even inspirational. When we listen and watch the news or even look at what is happening in our own neighborhoods, particularly in the realm of government, it is easy to get discouraged. We are fighting an out-of-state […]

John Livingston

No Way!

No Way. Never in Idaho. Never in the USA. I must have repeated those phrases 50 times over the past week as I have talked to physicians, PA’s., nurses and technicians from across the country and across our State. The occasion of their reaching out to me was my announcement that I was turning in […]

John Livingston News

Memorial Day Service Before Self

On this Memorial Day weekend, it is important to reflect on the almost 1million Americans who have given their lives for their country. I was honored to have been on active duty for 12 years as a Navy Medical Officer and Surgeon and 4 more years in the reserves. I was called up briefly to […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

OPINION: Women Don’t Belong in Front Line Combat Positions

In 1775 the United States Marine Corps was founded. The combat arm of the navy, they continue to be the most ‘combat ready‘ of all America’s armed forces. “The few, the proud, the Marines” is a slogan which permeates their 246 years of service to our country. I myself am a Marine “Once a Marine, […]

John Livingston News


I joined the Navy in 1973 only because I needed a way to pay for Medical School. I wasn’t necessarily patriotic. Growing up and going to college in Ohio I was exposed to the campus unrest and violent demonstrations on college campuses like Kent State and Oberlin and Antioch. Like most college kids the war […]

John Livingston News

What has Trump Done for The Military?

I served for 20 years. I interact monthly with active-duty enlisted and officers. They have never been more proud of their Commander in Chief than they are of Mr. Trump. Our military was almost destroyed under the previous administration. 75% of combat jets were not operational. 8 of 12 carrier groups were not deployable. Rules […]

Gem State Patriot News