Bob's Words of Wisdom

Fool Me Once, Shame on You; Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me

The Gem State Patriot would like to commend Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld for her efforts in exposing the influence that today’s lobbyists play in the critical decisions being made in our government that affect all Idahoans. She is a true conservative who is not coerced because of lobbyists donations and continues to tell the truth about […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

87% of Idahoans Want the Grocery Tax Repealed

I have concluded that our legislators have forgotten that they work for the people and here is why. In a recent survey, we find that “Eighty-Seven” percent of Idahoans want the Grocery Tax repealed, yet many of our legislators seem to think we are better off if we keep this tax. Idaho is one of […]

John Livingston

If You Don’t Kill the King

Pyrrhus was a Greek King and General of the Hellenistic period. He was one of the strongest opponents of ancient Rome and ranked with Alexander The Great and Hannibal as a Great Leader and General. He fought a series of three great battles against the mighty Roman Legions from 289-275 B. C. and defeated Rome […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Mike Moyle Idaho’s new House Speaker “A Proverbial Fence Sitter”

While I have a lot of respect for Idaho’s new House Speaker Mike Moyle, there are better qualified members of the House who could have filled that position. All you need to do is see how he has organized the House committees to make sure he has complete control of what bills get passed and […]

John Livingston

The Right Man for the Job

I am so looking forward to Mike Moyle becoming the Speaker of the Idaho House of Representatives. I have had the pleasure of knowing Mike and his family for almost 30 years. Over the past 10 years he has reminded me when he is wearing his political hat of a combination between Tom Brady and […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

It’s Time to Dump the Regressive Grocery Sales Tax

(Or Dump our Governor and Legislative leaders in 2022) Let me start off with an explanation of Regressive taxes. These are taxes that place more burden on low-income earners. Since they are flat taxes, they take a higher percentage of income on the poor than on high-income earners. Taxes on most consumer goods, sales, gas, […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Is it time to say goodbye to our conservative Idaho?

Every day as I listen to the changes taking place in Boise, it becomes more obvious to me that our wonderful conservative state is being lost to the wave of liberalism sweeping over it. As little as 10 years ago, you would not have even needed the type of bill being introduced by Rep. Zito […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

It’s an Election Year – Let’s Dump the Bad Apples

Here is what we see so far in the legislature We would like to thank Representative Priscilla Giddings for trying to bring up the Grocery Tax repeal in committee but unfortunately, she was shut down by Representative Gary Collins and Thyra Stevenson. It appears that these two supposed conservative republicans have either become part of […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Make Idaho Great and Conservative Again

For the past twelve years, we have had a very popular Governor named Butch Otter who proclaimed Idaho as the reddest of the red states, the conservative bastion of America. Well, folks, we hate to tell you but that has all changed over the years of his reign as our great state has been taken […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Rep. Priscilla Giddings: Despotism in Idaho?

As a new legislator, I anticipated the onslaught of new information during my first term. I was definitely NOT expecting the lack of professionalism or to be patronized, bullied, strong-armed, verbally threatened or called a “liar” and “crazy.” Apparently, the viciousness of the national political scene has worked its way into Idaho, and so too […]

Gem State Patriot News