Bob's Words of Wisdom

Let’s Fight to Make America Great Again

No one has greater love than this: to lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 CSB We live in a world where we are excited by trivia and bored by grandeur where it is more important for us to spend time looking at our Facebook page than attending church with our children. We all […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Memorial Day – Remembering America’s Fallen Heroes

“Freedom is not Free.” ~ Ronald Reagan Memorial Day is seen by millions of Americans across our nation as the official start of summer, and is frequently celebrated by many with barbecues, family get-togethers, gatherings with friends, and enjoyment of outdoor activities. In other cases, it is just an extended weekend, yet another holiday that […]

Opinions / Op-eds

A Tribute to Veterans & Patriots – Past and Present

Our thanks goes out to those men and women who made it possible to have liberty and freedom today that came forth from the Founding Fathers. They produced the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution including The Bill of Rights. They pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor and sacrificed much so that we […]

John Livingston

The Right Path and the Right Choices

Two young men on an “Outward Bound” college vacation were dropped off in the middle of Montana at the edge of Yellowstone. One was a political science major who had applied to several Ivy League law schools and as a backup plan scheduled himself to go to sociology grad school. Work was not on the […]

John Livingston

Family and Freedom Gratitude and Thanksgiving

I read with deep respect the Memorial Day Post from the Ammon Bundy campaign about the life and passing of Lt. Lincoln Bundy who died during the Normandy invasion after having been shot down in his P-51 Mustang and captured and taken to a German concentration camp where he was finally executed. The story was […]


A Memorial Day Thank You

Happy Memorial Day! The Staff of the Gem State Patriot would like to thank all of the men and women who have served our country in the Armed Forces. It is their dedication to duty that makes our country so exceptional with all of our freedoms. We are going through some tough times currently but […]



This last Memorial Day at the Field of Heroes in Pocatello, a dignified plaque was placed before those attending with the inscription “… we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortune and our sacred Honor.” It is a familiar phrase. It can be found in the closing statement of the Declaration of Independence. […]


A Modern Story of Heroes in the Fight for Freedom

Many of us will be celebrating Memorial Day this weekend. Perhaps a visit to the tombstones of the fallen heroes, followed by a barbecue with family and friends. Few will pay any attention to the story of Christopher Ahn, a US citizen from naturalized North Korean parents, and a former US Marine. Ahn loves his […]

John Livingston News

Memorial Day Service Before Self

On this Memorial Day weekend, it is important to reflect on the almost 1million Americans who have given their lives for their country. I was honored to have been on active duty for 12 years as a Navy Medical Officer and Surgeon and 4 more years in the reserves. I was called up briefly to […]

Gem State Patriot News