John Livingston

Does anyone really listen?

There is so much to learn by listening. Everyday people have more common sense than most of our political leaders. Being nuanced regarding issues of public policy, taxes, health care, and corruption in government should never take the place for applying common sense. When I listened to Rush Limbaugh I listened because of his commonsense […]

John Livingston

If not now, when

Cronyism and corruption are alive and well in Idaho. But the political elites and the establishment media are getting worried about “We the People”. Last week on KTVB Brian Holmes and his “team” produced a very glitzy “Hit” piece on the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) that completely backfired. I should send the crew a box […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Big Tech Invades the Treasure Valley While KTVB Attacks the IFF

While the whole world has turned their eyes and ears to the Ukraine our president continues to talk about sanctions as the Russians push towards the capital. Unfortunately there is little that we can do but watch the carnage as long as Bungling Biden is president. Right now Idahoans need to be more concerned about […]

John Livingston

Assault on the Idaho Freedom Foundation

The fake news and “the swamp” are alive and well in Idaho. For all his faults Donald Trump had the courage and fortitude to confront the corruption in Washington DC. Like a modern-day King Cyrus who helped the Hebrews escape 70 years of captivity and return to their homeland and reestablish the Temple, Mr. Trump’s […]

John Livingston

Dummy Scrimmage Hero

Anyone growing up in Ohio and playing football in college and high school like I was blessed to do, would early in life become familiar with the term “dummy scrimmage hero”(DSH) It is not a term of endearment, nor was it ever invoked in a haphazard fashion. Call an opponent a “dummy scrimmage hero” and […]

Gem State Patriot News