John Livingston

The Curse of Self Awareness

My wife and I have an ongoing debate about the best romantic movie ever made. She is torn between GONE WITH THE WIND, Dr. ZHIVAGO, and OR ABOUT 35 Hall Mark movies. For me, the best romantic movie is either TOP GUN or BULL DURHAM. Last night after watching the NCAA Wrestling tournament on ESPN […]

John Livingston

Does anyone really listen?

There is so much to learn by listening. Everyday people have more common sense than most of our political leaders. Being nuanced regarding issues of public policy, taxes, health care, and corruption in government should never take the place for applying common sense. When I listened to Rush Limbaugh I listened because of his commonsense […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Big Tech Invades the Treasure Valley While KTVB Attacks the IFF

While the whole world has turned their eyes and ears to the Ukraine our president continues to talk about sanctions as the Russians push towards the capital. Unfortunately there is little that we can do but watch the carnage as long as Bungling Biden is president. Right now Idahoans need to be more concerned about […]

John Livingston

Assault on the Idaho Freedom Foundation

The fake news and “the swamp” are alive and well in Idaho. For all his faults Donald Trump had the courage and fortitude to confront the corruption in Washington DC. Like a modern-day King Cyrus who helped the Hebrews escape 70 years of captivity and return to their homeland and reestablish the Temple, Mr. Trump’s […]

John Livingston

Dummy Scrimmage Hero

Anyone growing up in Ohio and playing football in college and high school like I was blessed to do, would early in life become familiar with the term “dummy scrimmage hero”(DSH) It is not a term of endearment, nor was it ever invoked in a haphazard fashion. Call an opponent a “dummy scrimmage hero” and […]


IFF’s School Board Candidate Survey Informs Parents, Voters on Critical Education Issues

Published with permission of the Idaho Freedom Foundation Actions of local school boards are currently at the forefront of many parents’ minds. Families and voters all over the country have been angered over school boards’ mask mandates, curricular choices, and unnecessary school closures. Ironically, voter turnout for school board elections is low. Parents who want […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Idaho Freedom Foundation vs Republican RINOs

Why is it that two supposedly conservative Republican’s Senator Chuck Winder and former Attorney General and Supreme Court Justice Jim Jones have launched such a fierce attack on the Idaho Freedom Foundation? We have a theory and would like to put in our two cents worth to give you our impression of why this is […]


The Idaho Freedom Foundation Measures Promises Made (Part 3 of 3)

During the recent election cycle, some were critical of the Idaho Freedom Foundation Index (IFFI) which scores how legislators vote. Some voices proclaimed the IFFI is an extreme hard right ideology out of step with “common sense” Idaho conservative values. These and similar statements often are made by liberals masquerading as Republicans hoping that Republican […]


The Idaho Freedom Foundation Aligns With Conservative Principles (Part 2 of 3)

Later this month, Republicans state-wide will gather for their convention to elect leaders and once again adopt their Idaho Republican Party Platform (IRPP). Many people don’t realize grass roots Republicans review and approve the IRPP every summer before a fall general election because the IRPP serves as the gold standard for Republican beliefs ahead of […]


The Idaho Freedom Index — A Scorecard for Conservative Principles (Part 1 of 3)

I have recently written two articles discussing the first eight of the twelve principles the Idaho Freedom Foundation Index (IFFI) uses to score bills that legislators vote on. The IFFI principles are also found in the Idaho Republican Party Platform (IRPP), the gold standard for Republican beliefs. So, when a legislator gets a bad IFFI […]

Gem State Patriot News