John Livingston

Idaho, Don’t Take a Knee

There is certainly a big difference between an argument in logic verses the creation of a story that supports a political narrative. For several generations, the critical thinking skills that are supposed to be incorporated into a curriculum taught by teachers and professors to our students, has been replaced by programs designed to indoctrinate. Instead […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

What’s Wrong with Public Education in Idaho?

The Case for School Choice I’m not sure how many times I have to say this but if you want to solve the problems with our school system, parents need to start by attending the school board meetings and voting for conservative board members. It’s interesting that Idaho is still at the bottom of the […]

John Livingston

Stand Against Evil

Social change doesn’t happen gradually. It happens in fits and bursts. In retrospect, the line between the old values and the “new way” can be seen very clearly, but when we are in the middle of such a change, we oftentimes don’t know it. I believe we are today at a crossroads and in the […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Paying a High Price to Indoctrinate and Indebt our Children

Many Idahoans are still under the impression that we are still a “Red” state when indeed we have crossed the Rubicon of liberalism in our most populated counties a long time ago. In my opinion, this change has taken place because of the universities that promote liberalism in their curriculums. This is how many conservative […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Idaho’s bloated DEI bureaucracies at public universities are growing

Reprinted with permission of Idaho Freedom Foundation A recent Idaho Freedom Foundation report revealed that Idaho’s public university system is spending nearly $6 million on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) administrators. A previous estimate in February 2022, found that spending on DEI administrators across Idaho’s higher education system was around $2.2 million. In two years, the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

You’re funding Idaho’s bloated DEI bureaucracy

Republished article with permission of the Idaho Freedom Foundation A recent Idaho Freedom Foundation report revealed that Idaho’s public university system is spending nearly $6 million on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) administrators. A previous estimate in February 2022, found that spending on DEI administrators across Idaho’s higher education system was around $2.2 million. In two […]

John Livingston

A Football Team the University will be Proud Of

College Division 1 football is in the throes of early anarchy. There is much to learn from the misadministration of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) that can be applied to any field of endeavor, but especially to anyone who believes that the cure to any problem is money alone. Decisions are being made by […]

John Livingston

A Wise and Educated Man

DON’T TAKE EDUCATED PEOPLE TOO SERIOUSLY There is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. I listened on the radio to the Idaho PBS broadcast of the testimony of a President of an Idaho University before the Idaho legislature (JFAC) committee. The testimony started out with a flattering discussion that 91% of the legislators had attended […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Idahoans deal with Wokeism and Gender Identity in Schools

The Governor’s state of the state speech was full of platitudes with a large part devoted to talking about Idaho’s education system. Unfortunately, Idaho still ranks number 43 in education. In the last year, we have found out how our education system is being run, which was brought out in a current Caldwell school district […]


Why is Superintendent Ybarra Ignoring Children with Dyslexia?

I feel I have no choice but to write to you. Maybe, this time, you will read a letter? It has become incredibly clear over the past 4 years you have no interest in meeting with me or anyone from the team in Idaho that supports children with Dyslexia. Maybe you will take a few […]

John Livingston News

Keep Your Eye on the Ball

“Keep your eye on the ball” were words my father would say to me many times during his life. When a fork in the road was presented to me academically, professionally, or with a decision about my family, he always wanted me to stay true to my principles and never forget about the end game. […]


Students Are Responsible for the Student Loan Crisis (Part 3 of 3)

But There’s a Lot More to It Than That This is the final part of a three-part series of articles on the student loan crisis. Part 1 provided an introduction to the subject, explored who is to blame, and offered an overview of the process of performing a cost-benefit analysis of college degrees, the jobs […]

Gem State Patriot News