From 1789 until the rise of the progressive movement under Woodrow Wilson, Congress adhered to James Madison’s view that the Federal spending power was limited to executing the Constitution’s enumerated powers. From pre-Civil War days bills appropriating aid to education, income support for citizens—except veterans, and grants supporting the poor were rejected by Federal Lawmakers. […]
Tag: government spending
Paying More for Less
Idaho legislators are on the verge of becoming the highest-paid part-time lawmakers in the country. If the Compensation Committee approves the 43% pay increase and legislators do nothing to stop it, it will be clear that priorities in the Statehouse need realigning—toward the true needs of Idahoans, not higher pay for lawmakers. Leadership’s proposal (read […]
Government is the Problem
Over the last two decades, many so-called conservatives seem to have forgotten one of the most important, bedrock principles of conservatism — fiscal conservatism! Another forgotten principle is the one President Reagan famously espoused: “Government is the problem.” I cannot stress this point strongly enough. More government is never the solution to whatever problem you […]
This article is courtesy of the Idaho Freedom Foundation One of the favorite phrases of conservative budget hawks in the Idaho Legislature is “starve the beast.” What they mean is that if you want to control or even reverse outrageous government growth, then you need to stop appropriating (spending) so much money. Government agencies will […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, March 22CONTACT: Marisa Melton, (208) 743 – 1388, WASHINGTON D.C. – U.S. Congressman Russ Fulcher released the following statement today regarding his vote against the spending package. “32 hours before the vote, a 1,012-page package of spending bills was released for first-time review: The total is $1.2 trillion, but the […]
We should all thank Audrey Dutton for her extensive reporting on the Idaho Health Data Exchange as it continues to prove to us the incompetency of Idaho’s Health and Welfare Department. We have been calling for an audit of this Bureaucratic behemoth for several years, but it appears that no one in the political arena […]
It is amazing to us that we are considering a $25 million dollar levy for the Coeur d’Alene School District in a vacuum with no context of what has transpired over the last three years. We are nearing the anniversary of the Covid-19 panic and in hindsight one of the worst mistakes made by leaders […]
Modern Day Lafayettes
I would like to offer a “tip of the hat” to my friends at The Idaho Freedom Foundation. In an article published two days ago, the authors Fred Birnbaum, Ronald Nate PhD., and Niklas Kleinworth outline in a policy paper entitled MEDCAID IN IDAHO: A POLICY PRIMER the predicate, the unfulfilled promise, the financial house […]
How Efficient is Government Spending?
How efficient is government spending? Understandably, this question could lead to many discussions. To begin with, government spending can be in multiple forms: first, direct expenditure, such as the government actively funding a project or activity; second, incentives or subsidies, used to encourage certain activities; and finally, the prescribing of laws to outlaw something in […]